So, this mount does everything the Yak does, but it costs 20 dollars, versus just using gold to get the Yak mount… Why?
Blizz, we all know transmog is the true endgame here. I would love a toy that would enable a teleport to the start of the dungeon or raid that the player is currently in.
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Oh, I was unaware it was a mirror mount.
meh looks ugly
Beauty in the eye of the beholder. I think it looks cool. It’s a bear! Come on!
The crime is that it does the same thing as a yak:
Which has a cost of 120k gold! Hell, even a gold token is like 200k which also costs 20 dollars.
The bear makes no sense. Unless it could be summoned in doors or something, which would so be worth it.
I’m not seeing the issue?
Mounts that do nothing but fly you from A to B are $25 in the store but we’re complaining about a mount that is $5 less but has actual functionality?
Will I buy it? No, I have the Yak.
No, I’m doing a PSA that you can get the Yak for gold. People can spend money how they wish and gold how they wish. Just, you know, seems slimey.
I’m sure people will like it because it’s a bear mount! The vendor is a nice extra. We don’t have many bears.
Because friend shaped bear?
Play a druid, we can teleport to the start of the dungeon by using dreamgrove teleport and then casting it again.
Most know this already and those that don’t, well I guess thanks to this PSA they can go get the 12 year old mount.
How? There are a ton of mounts in the shop, right now for $25 or you could get them in game for gold/currency/loot/achievements etc
I’m just not seeing why this is a big deal.
Im getting it cuz i like how it looks and im growing slightly tired of the yak.
Gunna miss my grummels tho
It’s a bear, so I can’t help but love it. Looks pretty cool too.
I definitely agree. With how many variations of horses, of which I love, it’s weird we don’t have more. It seems like it would be easy.
They really should change it to bank/barber to make it worth the money.
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You can get the bear for gold too. Just buy a token off the AH.
400k with 10 bucks left over in credit
Can’t vendor items to the repair lol. Its lesser than the yak.
Shareholder value… The Shareholder in this case it Microsoft and they have to justify a $69 Billion purchase to their own stockholders.
Then don’t buy it
Also someone in here confirmed that you can sell to the vendor.
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As a druid I would love barber. Barber is the only way to change our forms, and I want to change them up sometimes. Especially because the lunarwing is a 2p flying mount that offers utility.
There are glyphs to make our forms random, but I wish they would let us select favorites for that like with mounts, because there are some forms I do not like.
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