Grinding Darkspear Rep - Low Level Quests?

If I’m looking to grind darkspear rep as a level 60. Does grinding low level troll quests that I missed provide full rep?

Based on what I’m reading online it’s a bit unclear if you get partial rep for trivial quests. Can anyone confirm?

I think the low lvl ones only provide rep when they are yellow/green, but I could be wrong about that. Honestly it might be more efficient to farm runecloth and do the turn ins


yeah just farming/buying runecloth is way faster than trying to do every last quest :expressionless:

Pretty sure the rep gained is significantly lowered if the quest doesn’t reward experience.

Like Dedguyy said, farming runecloth and turning it in is probably your best bet at 60.


Gotcha. Ty fren

You can farm drops in AV. gotta move fast with these PVE races, but if you rush the Field of Strife and score some kills, then you teleport back to the keep and turn in the drops for rep with all factions.

it’s definitely slower than buying runecloth, but if you need honor, you can farm honor and slowly increase your Darkspear rep with Alliance blood and armor scraps.

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I want to say that once TBC drops, the reputation gained from low-level (grey) quests is fixed to where it rewards the maximum amount of reputation it otherwise would have rewarded. I know that happens at some point, I just forget at what point it does happen. It may or may not be worthwhile to hold off on completing quests that reward reputation until that point. Otherwise, runecloth turn-ins are absolutely your best bet.

Edit: I am fairly confident that it was in fact TBC when that happens if only because I remember getting exalted with Darnassus as a space goat (of course, I mean, why would you play anything else) around level 30 or so because I finished it off with quests in Ashenvale. What’s better than a space goat? A space goat that can ride anything other than a wonky looking elephant of course!

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