Since 9.0.5 Grim Batol has been bugged. I thought they would fix this - the drakes at the beginning do not work, and they can only be dismounted by leaving the instance.
This is still broken! You can get on mounts but not off. Mounts don’t fly. Reloading UI does nothgin.
I too am experiencing this bug
I am having the same problem in the Grim Batol dungeon both Normal and Heroic. After freeing all Battered Red Drakes at the beginning and then mounting one, the drake rises partially for a moment and then immediately lands almost like it changes its mind mid-air (lol).
I can use the vehicle ‘Engulfing Flames’ button and am able to turn the drake so it faces left and right but it does not fly nor can I dismount. The only option to dismount seems to be relogging which sends my character to the beginning of the dungeon but the drake problem persists thus preventing the completion of the Soften Them Up Quest.
(edited for punctuation)
This is happening in the timewarp instance as well
" Grim Batol is STILL bugged" Why are we the last to get attention the game? Still bugged 5/25/21!! Come on Blizzard. This is part of why you are losing players. It’s not fun to play when we have constant broken dungeons, quests and achievements.
Yep, just had this happen to my group. I had no idea it was broken before so it was a surprise.
Still broken Blizzard do better
As of 5/25/21 the dragons are still bugged. I cannot complete the time walking quest very easily…last 3/4 random queues have been this dungeon. Not very fun!
Still bugged as of today. The dragons don’t fly when mounted and freed. They just sit there only allowing you enough range to shoot the first enemy pack. The only fix to dismount is to right-click the eye on the minimap and teleport out of the dungeon.
Just had this issue happen to me. Tried getting out instance, taking penalty, did not fix it as we loaded back into that instance. Dragons would not fly.
Had this issue just tonight. I recorded a YouTube video for the bug report.
Got the same issue, logged out and back in, ported out and back in. Same issue. Do we know when this will be fixed?
Still cannot get the Dragons to fly looks like someone has clipped their wings