I’m on a prot pally and the absolute ridiculous amount of dmg the mobs do on fortified is just …why?
god i can’t wait for this stupid season to be over
I’m on a prot pally and the absolute ridiculous amount of dmg the mobs do on fortified is just …why?
god i can’t wait for this stupid season to be over
You’re 626, how is it miserable on “fortified”? Does that mean you were only running sub-10 keys on Tyrannical weeks only?
Try healing it with a bunch of AoE going out and xakatath affix at the same while you’re standing on a narrow bridge. This dungeon and stone vault absolute worst
GB is really easy to brick on trash. I’ve got 5 keys done on 14, 2 on 13, but GB has been stuck on +12 for a while now. This week we’ve bricked 3 +14 runs and +13 after. It’s usually the following:
It’s absurd how many interrupts you need in this dungeon. We play with an rsham, prot pally, and 2 melee, and despite everyone using cooldowns and stops, it still isn’t enough at times, and that one time is enough to brick your key.
The loss of a DPS often means your pack won’t die fast enough and the tank runs out of defensives, or you end up lacking enough kicks.
Currently playing retri with sac cd reduction and constantly supporting with LoH and WoG, a squishy spec just takes so much damage that RNG bolts or AoE overlap will just eventually brick your key.
It doesn’t help that the AoE of the ascending mobs hits basically everyone and through walls, meaning you can’t rez up and run back because you’re dead before you reach the group.
Nor does it help that the graveyards are pretty far away, meaning that walking back is extremely punishing, especially if it’s a group wipe.
There are some mobs that stack Enrage, which is very dangerous for tanks. I bet no one in your group had an Enrage dispel (druid, hunter — I’m sure these two classes have an Enrage dispel, maybe more classes do as well).
If my memory serves me correctly, these mobs can also be stunned.
Those are twilight enforcers the large ogres and they can indeed be stunned.
the one that enrages that i know about is the ogre. But I just stun him when he enrages and it often is long enough that I dont get too shredded by him (requires a bit of kiting).
I am pretty sure I did this on a 10 once and timed it on this guy and never went back in (edit…woops, I forgot about the double-affix thing). Yah…i went back in my history and did it once on 10, timed it and then never went back in again. I’m not surprised i’m having issues on a 9 with my alt.
I dunno…as a prot warrior i get annoyed when tons of trash mobs are immune to being stunned. I’d like to see some tanks get some “stop casting for x number of seconds entirely” or to have them bring back school locks to cut the dmg down on casting mobs.
GB is the only key I haven’t been able to time at +12. The tank inevitably overpulls and bricks the key.
There are no tyrannical or fortified 10s. All 10+ are simultaneously tyrannical AND fortified. It’s been this way all season.
This is the big one and the amount of groups I see without a soothe is hilarious. I avoid those at all costs. It’s not just the Ogres. Basically every pull to the first boss has an enrage.
How many months in are we? Lmao.
the AOE enrage on the mobs before the first boss causes all mobs to take more damage in addition to dealing more damage. so you only want to soothe those if you absolutely have to
You want to soothe those every time ASAP.
no, you def don’t if you’re referring to the aoe enrages in the first hallway. you only want to soothe if you absolutely have to
Tell me you only do low keys without telling me.
Ironically the biggest issue I’ve seen in GB all season is even vastly over qualified DPS tend to forget to kite mobs on 3rd boss sometimes.
Just wait until you do 10s you get both
Although the season is almost over I’d recommend putting ability timers on nameplates, altering nameplate colors for priority mobs that have dangerous tank busters, and possibly even incorporating audio ques a couple of seconds before said tank buster is about to happen.
You have a lot of buttons as a prot paladin to deal with these tank busters but understanding which are physical and which are magic and so on will help you in the future.
New protection paladins have a habit of either over using or under using their defensive buttons. Rarely will you have to overlap multiple defensive for a single tank buster. This can cause you to run dry for when you need something for the next one, or when to call for an external.
GB specifically is chock full of tank busters that are worth noting and it’s a long post to get into. I’d recommend looking up a wowhead dungeon guide and looking at the pulls in sections, the mobs in these packs, what they do, and what’s dangerous or not.
Once you get comfortable with your defensive button timing/usage and pull patterns it will feel much easier for you. Think of it as a dance you have to kind of practice to get comfortable doing, that’s the best way for me to put it. Nothing wrong with stepping on your toes while you learn!
How do you think healers feel in every single pug dungeon this season, welcome to the club. This season is trash, this game is honestly just trash right now unless all you want to do is mog farm.
thanks, i’ve actually done some of that. I went back and looked at the last few I’ve done and the issue ended up just being low dps and practically no assistance with interrupts.
Which is a usual problem when I pug as a tank.
As much as I hate to admit this, --the issue is more or less that there is a certain “cap” on player skill that just isn’t evenly spread amongst the crowd out there of people who do keys-- ie a lot of people who can do these well are on hiatus until next patch and who can blame them. Both my tanks are in a good spot item level wise–i’m just gonna cool it wil the next patch.
I made some friends early on in this season that I did quite a few keys with before and it’s just the usual “over the midpoint” in the seaon so the key groups are full of …challenged people.
people in low keys wouldn’t even know there was an enrage there. i havent done above 14s but in 14s we’d only soothe the big guy and just have interrupts/stops for the rest of the pack