Grim Batol 3rd Boss Elementals

Are 3rd boss’ eles are little dodgey for anyone else sometimes? I’ve had it several runs where it looks like they detonate on not their fixated target, or worse detonate like 5-10 yards away. Anyone else have this happen?

They detonate if anyone gets too close to them, not necessarily them reaching their fixate.

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The elementals can detonate if they get disoriented (blind type CC), if their target feigns/invises, sometimes if they’re hard CC’d before they actually pick a target, and sometimes they blow up if cc’d when their target is airborne from the buffet. They’re super jank and the best strategy is to just use slows with maybe a stun after they pick a target. Not sure honestly if a knock up can glitch then into exploding, but wouldn’t shock me

Is it intended or bad code?

Probably intended. That’s how they’ve always worked. You pretty much have to clip their model though, its far less than melee range.

This is untrue. You can run through them without any issues as long as they aren’t fixated on you or someone doesn’t do something that causes them to re-target while you’re touching. Plenty of videos on this out there you don’t even have to go test it yourself.

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I’ve had them refixate on a different target after being cc’d.

I think what trips people up is if someone uses meld or similar to drop target and it goes on someone else. Similar to the first boss of SoB.

And disorients like Blind, blinding light, DB, scatter, etc. 90% of the time it’s a hunter/mage using feign/invis though. The disorients though can randomly cause the elementals to glitch and just explode even with no one nearby.

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