
There should be more serious consequences for those types of people in solo shuffle. Not to mention, the good players who don’t do that and are in the middle of that nonsense should not be penalized for their careless actions.

Stop reducing the MMR scores of players who lose simply because they’re in a team with a grifter!!! Its destroying the game, and it makes waiting for 20 games that much less enjoyable and people will quite because of it.

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q up go next

I had a mage go 0-6 and when he was on his last round with me, instead of trying for 2-4 or 1-5, he said “i cba man” and just ran in and died.

Had a DK flame me yesterday for not going his target and we still won. Then the MW and him argued and he AFKd the rounds with the MW.

It really is annoying as it happens more than once per day and it does ruin my game when I can go 5-1 or 6-0 but instead I lose out on the massive rating and mmr gains because someone has a piss poor attitude.

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It’s the name of the game when you’re forced to cooperate with randos in a competitive setting. This is why 2v2/3v3/5v5 is inherently healthier for an MMO, as opposed to solo queueing. Prior to SS people would complain about the toxicity of lfg/pug player, and now that swill has just moved to the solo queue versions of the game.

Couple that with the stagnation of a dying mini game in an old mmo… you’d have better luck finding less toxic and frustrating league of legends games.


Rss lobby chatters is nothing compared to lfg and you wont convince anyone.

I saw a healer say it’s a low damage lobby and the ret pally took it personally and afkd every game he was on that healers team.


Among dps rets are particularly fragile.

LFG before SS sure, but when SS came out and the TOS got updated and now you get banned for saying anything negative people just funnel their hatred and toxicity into the gameplay instead.

At least once the hate was established in lfg you could just leave group and your gameplay wasn’t impacted.

The funny thing is, everyone has a story to tell. Blizz needs to have real repercussions for players who do this, that’s all I’m saying!!

That and don’t penalize the people who are actually trying!!!

People are getting increasingly frustrated with this game.


Tbh there isnt much to say in rss other than picking a target. Because when Im going 0-5 and Im pissed off and I see these two go “damn dude great md on the ret(me) that was sick!” That glazing just so annoying and I mute everyone.

alot of times people just give up. if they know they are going to go 0-6 or 1-5 they will just give up and throw the last round. I see it all the time

I dont give up ever, but when Im on the losing side I just hate the glazing. Thats all

Deal with it or just stop playing,

Agreed but unfortunately, most gamers do not, in fact the majority do not, they quit in mass leaving dead seasons, dead expansions…