Griefing WSG As a Premade Mostly Streamers

It is if you do it for 30 mins straight when you have every opportunity to end the match. It’s an attempt to force the other team to take deserter. You are seriously dumb.


You are seriously bad then. If the whole team is in one spot then it’s easy to keep your whole team together. Kill them. Start with the healers.

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Learn how to play applies perfectly. You can do it as a pug. You’re not building a supercomputer here it’s Warsong Gulch.

This would never happen against any team I would ever bring in to WSG. But I don’t pug because I know these kinds of things happen to pugs. Why put yourself through these things when I can just invite friends?

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They do and eventually give up when they can’t. If they could “kill them” we wouldn’t be having this conversation…

It’s when they can’t kill them and they still do it with the intention of griefing…

I agree I don’t PUG WSG. I just think toxic behavior should be punished


Not griefing by any means. You just got beat by a better team. That happens every single day in video games, sports, etc.


Then put that big boi 2hander on and go punish them.


Lol the players that this is happening to would be happy to get beat by a better team. It’s not about winning or losing.

They give up. return the flag so the player doing this can cap and win at any time. Yet they don’t because they don’t want to win… they want to ruin the gaming experience for other people and force them to take a deserter debuff.


You’re getting psyched out. Maybe WSG isn’t for the people who get upset by a team holding the flag, a team that can’t figure out how to kill the other players and return the flag.

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Are you going to ban entire horde about groups camping GY for 20 minutes instead of taking objectives as well? Seriously the bans they have issued already have crossed the line. It is amazing spy boys still complain about not being able to win an even fight. Get good or afk out. You don’t like pvp? Premade or gtfo. No horde simps please. As a pally poster you should be ashamed.

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I guess if i corpse camp a level 30 on my 60 for an hour that would be griefing too…

Woops wrong guy

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Lol was a perfect quote too

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It really was, I’m sure there is one out there from him too. All these Paladins look the same.

Or they just enjoy pvp and want to continue owning noobs for as long as possible and not sit in a que. This is pvp its what you sign up for when you que not honorfarmsRus.

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Maybe you could grab their flag and go hide on your roof when they do this. Pretty sure the premade would get bored and just come over and try and take it back after a few minutes

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Lol ok. You were probably one of the spergs arguing in favor of mind controlling people into the portal too. We all saw how that worked out.

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I don’t care about either party in this. I just thought this was obvious salt and it humors me.


If its who I think it is, we capped on him, and then he threw a fit over it and did that to us. I believe the rest of the team hung around for a few hours in the game.

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