Griefing Other Players

So this mage intentionally got my HC killed and laughed about it afterwards. Is there no way to get my character back? Or at least report him? I submitted a report ,but with everything being automated and a complete failure, I think I might as well give up.

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You can transfer to a non-HC realm.

According to the rules for HC he should be banned, but I doubt this happens. Sad for your los.

You’re not getting your character back period, as you agreed to when you created your character there are absolutely no resurections/rollbacks ever for any reason, this includes griefing. Also whether it happened or not simply doesn’t matter nor how you died, dead is dead, and that is HC.

As for if any action is taken against the other player it really depends on what actually happened according to the logs, not what you think happened, and no they wont tell you either way if any actions are taken. Them laughing at you also doesn’t mean anything, but the reality is unless they were extremely blatant, it’s very hard to really show griefing. All you can really do is submit the report, and move on.

That all said, you probably will want to consider a normal server, not HC, as your comment about “giving up” shows your already struggling with HC, and when you die again, it will be worse, and yes you will die, and perhaps in a very meaningless way.

Twice I’ve had people I’m grouped with die from their own mistakes only to watch them blame me for not doing something or another. I literally was in a lower level cave on my mage, came across a group of lowbies dying to respawns, went in aoeing to help and saved 2/3 of them - only to have 2 of them curse me out and blame it on me. You either actually got griefed (which happens, not denying that’s a possibility) or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and blame others. Either way, RIP, and go again!

Report them. This is becoming more of a problem on newer servers like Doomhowl. Some streamers are even promoting griefing, especially against Chinese-speaking players. Doesn’t seem Blizzard is interested in taking any action though.

This isn’t the situation described by the original poster. She said a mage intentionally got her killed. This is different from the situation that you described of where you could have helped some one but choose not to. There’s a difference between not helping someone and intentionally taking actions to get their character killed on Hardcore.

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People often want to blame others when they die, so no someone on the forums saying they were griefed doesn’t mean anything, your getting a single side of the story, and one thats as they saw or wanted it to be not as it necessarily was. This isn’t saying they were or weren’t, but the one thing you can be certain of, people will die on in HC and then come to whine about it on the forums.

There are almost always multiple sides to a story, and often there simply is no malicious intent on anyones side to kill another player even though one side might feel that there was.

I guess I’m failing to see the point of your post. Is it simply to rage bait? The OP stated they were griefed. You can take that at face value or not, but trying to discredit the post is a little weird.

Obviously there could be an alternative universe where this is “his side of the story” which implies the other side is it wasn’t on purpose. The problem is, you’re creating that narrative and consciously pushing that narrative in the process. You’re choosing to give more credence to a hypothetical scenario that you created in your head rather than reading what was stated. It’s a very weird take, imo.


No I just realize there are always two sides so am not going to join the linch mob. People cry that they were griefed far more often than it actually happens. It’s easier when you can blame others for your mistake and where often reality simply doesn’t match what the poster wrote, only perhaps what they thought they saw. While griefing does surely does happen, most people who think they are griefed simply are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or in someway contribute to their own death.

The fact that they also asked for their character back, shows that they want to blame someone else for their death, they obviously didn’t read the warning when they created their character, and by blaming someone else, even in their mind, it justifies the restoration of their character, which is their hope. Ultimately this person will be far happier likely on a normal server, as I doubt HC is really for them, you can hear it in their post.

The hc community is pretty toxic.

I don’t really find the HC community toxic at all, well at least not the majority and those that really want a HC server, I somewhat exclude the FOTM players that come for things like fresh as I expect most will soon be gone. Personally I didn’t bother with the fresh server so it could be worse, but haven’t really had any bad experiences on Defias or Skull Rock. On both servers I feel people have a tendency to help others, and even have watched people risk death to help other players who they weren’t grouped with and likely didn’t know.

This has been my experience so far too. I think the worst feeling I’ve had toward another person so far was “oh, you stole my tag. If you get swarmed I’m going to let it happen.” which goes unexpressed and has so far not resulted in anyone’s death.

But I’ve also seen the recent clip of some aoe mage with main character syndrome griefing a pally to death over tagging a few mobs the mage wanted. So we know it’s out there.


Popular streamers also promote the idea of “griefing” to increase their views and create more content for their streams. Blizzard seems to turn a blind eye when it’s a streamer though. I can’t post specific examples without violating forum terms against calling out specific players/guilds though.