Blizzard. There’s a player on Defias Pillager Alliance, that is advertising for groups for Stockades and other dungeons, and summoning people into the lava in Ironforge. “Thirdsister” “Davidgogomo” and “Figomoveit” are the warlock and the clickers. Please, please, please take action against these accounts. This player announced they would start doing this, and here they are. For the last few days, they have been griefing unsuspecting players. It’s understood there are no appeals, but you said griefers would be subject to account action. This is a clear case of this, please solve this. The player is openly griefing with no consequence.
Why accept a summon to iron forge. There is no reason for this? Now if they dropped you on the croc in storm wind I would love this.
report him in game
if enough people do it he will be banned
griefing is against HC rules, and bans have happened before
but it’s all based on number and frequency of reports. naming him on the forums won’t do anything.
Pretty sure you’re giving way too much credit to the in-game report system. There is no option to report for griefing. That, and people were asking to be brought to his layer for the last few days to right click report him, and he’s still at it. Trying to get it circulated.
Yeah, the in game report system for griefing is 100% useless. You have to submit a ticket to make them look into it.
report for harassment. that’s close enough
Griefing like this should be a permanent account ban. All games gone.
agreed , no second chances for these type of people, ALSO op you must submit a ticket like posted above or nothing will ever happen .