Greymane Alliance Reconnections

Good fellas are rolling on Pagle server! hit me up Vagabond#1190

I think most of the Good Fellas crew is rerolling on Pagle Ally

YAS Nik. Come back to Pagle. We’ll mail you another Quel’Serrar.

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Rahat, remember him? he joined Council of Nine, then left to start his own guild. Then there was Gnome Mage, his name started with an X

Hi, Brunnor. Any idea how many you guys have coming back?

Ahh, KK is going to be so sad to hear you’re on Pagle. We’ll be on Atiesh if you decide to stop by (Dinah and Kinta still. Yay for getting our names lol!)

Happy to see you’re still around though! :smiley:

Edit: If anyone else is on Atiesh, feel free to add me. lilsoapspudz#1504

Arthelios- Human Paladin (Usually Holy)

Notable Guilds:
- My first and longest lasting guild
- Technically joined in BC but loved my time there as well

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Tendrel-human warrior tank
Tendrelock-human warlock
Was in (The Knights who Say Ni) and (Council of Nine)
How’s it going @Relmax? :smile:

Man Blizz has a cool idea here if only i could remember that far back.

Brunnor! Long time, probably since I raided in Crimson on my Shaman. Still planning on Herod with the pop? Know if many are coming back?

A few of us are. Decree, myself, Grafx, Tetsuro and Naudie are the only old Crimson people going as far as I know. But lots of current guild people are going as well.

And yes, still Herod alliance.


Reserved Zeebo on Pagle. Really looking forward to hanging out with the old gang again. Kaidelia reserved her toon on Pagle as well.

Guardok - Dwarf Paladin / Lahnzil - Pink Haired Gnome Warrior Tank
Former Guild - Exousia
Playing with some some people in classic on Herod Horde side. Characters name is Drekkin. Hit me up would love to reconnect with some old guild members.

^^^^^^^ Happy to see Brunnor is going to play

We remember you. We are still playing (off and on) on Greymane. Same toons, same guild. Hope you are well also!

Hanselsohot - Oz - the best looking warlock on the server.

Also played a pally called Azza with Dark Nexus guild early on.
It’s crazy seeing so many names I recognise after years of being afk.

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Is that REALLY the whole story of that? :slight_smile:
You sure there’s NOTHING else there but an evil GM who kicks people for fun?

Or Rumkin? Something like that spelling. We had two gnome mages that were both excellent at body pulling.

A lifetime ago!
I remember trying to look you up to catch up a couple of times back when I was still playing WoW, but didn’t really want to jump onto a bunch of servers and ping everyone with the name Gilly :D.
Glad to see you’re still around, hope you’re doing well.

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Hey mate, cool to see you and some of the old gang are still around. I live in the UK now so unfortunately a US Pacific server isn’t really ideal for me for ping and for the time difference. Have fun reliving some of the old times from vanilla, we had some good times back then. Some of my fondest gaming memories are from my time in Phoenix.

Kamikaze, there’s a name I remember. And how could I forget Kallozar, I still hear that dudes voice when I think of Vanilla, there like one in the same for me haha (14 year old me getting screamed at by some random internet stranger, that stuff burns in to the brain). Feels like a life time ago, but still some of my fondest gaming memories.


I made a Night elf warrior and tried to name it Afterforever .… name taken! Who would wanna name a Char that? only Phil!
What server are you going to play in classic?
Message me at Ultimateone#1232