<GREYBEARDS> [A] Skeram Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild

<GREYBEARDS> Semi-Hardcore, PvE focused, Casual Friendly, will down relevant content in a timely manner, friendly, active. Core members are made up of former hardcore top US kills in multiple xpacs with achievements to back it up, vast experience and knowledge…. Blah blah.

Skeram - Alliance

Raid Times:

  • Sunday 6:30-10:30 EST
  • Monday 8:00-12:00 EST

Raid Information:

  • No prior raid experience is required, however we do expect you to research your class and execute fights correctly. A trial period will be used for new members (Can be done during leveling/gearing process blah blah).
  • Loot will be distributed through a Loot Council, allowing the guild to put gear where it is needed most. This may mean spreading gear out as much as possible, or stacking gear on key raid members (e.g. tanks, dps or heals…) with the sole intent of expediting boss kills thus creating more gear drops
  • 80% Raid Attendance is expected and required to maintain a raid slot.
  • Discord required

Contact us on Discord h t t p s://discord.gg/gp5P9zx
Practitioner - Guild Master - Practitioner#3378
CapAmerica - Co-GM - Sulris#9875
Thevestian - Officer - Thevestian#0654
Peepz - Officer - Peepz#3392
Cybb - Officer - Cybb#9708
Giz - Officer - Somehting#9224(Yes, that spelling)

Monday is launch day!