Grey and white transmog. About time!

Honestly, it’s kinda just me right now. Most bailed after it was revealed what a trashfire Blizzard is. Then they stayed away as Blizzard continued to be a trashfire. But maybe I’ll be able to play with more people once cross-faction comes out.

Never thought I’d see the day, since I’m a founding member of this guild back in '05, but I’ve been thinking of leaving to join a guild with, you know, other players.

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agreed, it’s long overdue, while i’m not looking forward to hunting all of them down once this is implemented, i still welcome the opportunity.

that’s probably only counting some mogs that already look similar to mogs we already have, like the Trogg Chopper which just looks like yet another cleaver.

As long as they remove the armor type and let any class use em.

I do like the white quest item armors from the starting zones on Cata release.

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More options == more better. Totally support.

Fishing poles please!

Right Right. I remember when you made it around about. DotP still around? I had a character in The Honorables and Resurrection of Avalon. They both changed names. I stopped playing before LK. Currently, there is an active guild on Moon Guard - Horde with focus on PvP right now, but casual also.

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DotP is still around. Kinda why I’m hoping cross faction grouping might help. Not sure if anyone’s planning on setting up a cross faction community though. Hope so.

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Well, some of it’s likely to be interesting palette swaps.

For example, the Deteriorating Plate set, a black recolor of the Shattered Hand/Grimscale Plate set is a look I’d like to wear from time to time. Say, in Northrend, where I’d want a little more coverage, but I’m still all about the (Somewhat in this case) scanty.

This stuff drops everywhere, and to mog into that color would be a nice bonus for me.

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Just hope I get to unlock some of that pre cata stuff they deleted like the old shirts. I only got some of the old shirts.