Hey all, Green Parse Gang is an Oceanic guild formed in the week leading up to The War Within launch with the aim of striking a balance between having fun and clearing high rated content.
Our overall goal is to eventually consistently achieve Cutting Edge. We’re currently 4/8M and are looking for people to fill some slots who can consistently make raid nights, so feel free to reach out to myself here or in game.
What we are looking for currently:
1 Tank - any spec except paladin
1 Healer - pref Rdruid
1 MDPS - pref rogue or DH
3 RDPS, pref boomkin, another lock would be nice
Raid times are Wed/Thurs 8pm-10.30pm AEDT.
We’re a Barthilas Horde guild, but happy to have anyone in OCE, regardless of faction. We are still running regular raid nights to progress even further and would love to fill the empty slots, especially moving into S2.