there’s so much blue druid stuff. I want more green
I don’t mind other colored variations, but I wanted something that wasn’t ghostly… What being translucent has to do with anything lol.
Best case scenario would be a starry effect similar to what happens to Tyrande’s skin when she attacks and tries to choke Sylvanas in that DF cutscene.
I want a caster form more like Malfurion. You grow some antlers, the feathers off the back of the arms, but mostly keep your original form.
That could easily be class specific customization options. It totally should be a thing… just like an extra fel green eye option for Warlocks, for example.
The more options, the better
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Get this pet:
I agree sometimes I miss the green color wrath was back in the older wow days. Also the new upcoming tier set I do like the green look to it so will def get that for mog.
I had to macro all my abilities when my druid was kultiran so the icons looked more drust.
Maldraxxus green? Yes pls
Nature yellow or fel green? meh it wouldn’t incentivize me to play balance again
I also remember macroing my Guardian ability icons back in MoP.
Overall, I always agree - the more customization, the better. It’s like skins in modern FPS games. So long as the silhouette and ability effects are similar and can denote the class in some way or another, I see no issue with expanding the visual options. Cosmetic variety is key into an MMO’s longevity and appeal.
It really is!
I doubt they would create a Hero Talent for Druids of the Flame, but considering that we have those forms for almost every spec now (flame bear when?!) and there are Druids of the Flame among the NE ranks now, a cosmetic reskin to some filler spells as well as the character customization options could go a long way.
- Wrath turns more fiery
- Bear and Cat having fire effects on top of their filler abilities
- Wild Mushroom and Wrath of Elune with a fiery effect
- Treants using the scorched skin
One of the first things I said when we first heard about Hero talents is that I wanted Druid of the Nightmare and Druid of the Flame options.
Fully agreed again, visual and cosmetic talents do no harm. People have learned to identify new crucial abilities in dungeon, raid or PvP environments for two decades now.
Let’s get more variety added
More race-class combos, more hero talent themes, glyphs and new cool stuff…
Just imagine Dryad and Keeper forms running around from KoTG… KoTG’s regular Boomy form could have Antler, wing feathers, claws etc. customizations…
And a cool uber-Starry Elune’s Chosen cooldown with a normally daintier star effect that doesn’t cover the character’s armor otherwise.
Nightmare - Red-shifted spells. Flame - as the name suggests.
I dunno why we can’t just get a little half moon effect above our characters heads as an option. It would be nice to enjoy transmog unrestricted by form or a color applied to our whole character.