Me neither, I really love that thankfully the void elf identity is about mastering the void, and controlling it as Alleria puts it in the character creation cinematic.
So honestly it’s a perfect fit that blizzard has decided to opt this route, as reinforced with the introduction of complete natural customization options now included. I’m excited to see how it progresses!
Thing is all blood elf lore is void elf lore, because up until less than a handful of in game years ago every void elf player character was supposedly chilling in silvermoon
Hahahahah. I never doubted it, I know there’s minorities on both sides that will continue to push for excess. I won’t sit back and support it blindly though, nor do I believe the majority of helfers will either, but that’s me being hopeful.
If the landscape changes lore-wise in the future? Sure, but I don’t see it happening realistically. I’d hope if they implemented cross faction pve, it wouldn’t enable your blood elf to suddenly be able to enter stormwind. Conflict can be good.
Yeah that’s totally correct lol, but lore-wise those void elves are still just that. Void elves. There is nothing pointing to the idea that void elves can revert back to their original appearance. Alleria was changed differently even though she identifies as a void elf.
Blizzard already stated that the skin tones are meant to be used to fulfill the high elf fantasy, not belf. They’re a different faction all together.
Considering that there’s nothing that says that VEs are bound to look like Alleria considering she went through a completely different process for her transformation, and yet, here we are.
Sorry if I misunderstood, it’s late for me haha and I’m sleepy, but the skin tones aren’t meant to say that void elves can look normal, they’re meant to fulfill the helf fantasy. Like how Wildhammer dwarves aren’t their own race, but you can look like one using the normal dwarf race.
No, you got it right. They’re nothing but rp options.
Is that crowd that is intent on erasing anything that makes Void Elves, well, Void Elves and act as if those options are a statement of anything that is canon.
But careful, those that also call themselves helfers won’t look upon this well, as I’ve seen it happen often that they don’t take kindly to people stepping out of line.
Also allow Void Elves to utilize the Blood Elf starting zone since they technically originated there and give them a slider to shift between horde or alliance as they wish.
Once we get that we can then start asking for void elves to have infinite mana and hp since the void is infinite.