Green Dream Team - Feedback

Doing this quest on multiple characters is a bit annoying. In order to complete it, it seems that I have to release a Snorr from my Pet Journal to make room for a new one after I’ve completed the quest on 3 toons. Might it be easier to summon Snorr as proof of completion or have a chat option to say I’ve already completed this?


Apparently this quest has also been unflagging for some people and they are unable to re-complete it :frowning: (I dont know more than that currently)

Even better, we could just have the quest be flagged as complete once a character on our account does it. I have this quest looming on all my alts that have ventured into the Emerald Dream. I trick myself for 0.03 seconds thinking that I’ve got a new quest to complete and then remember it’s the pet one. Again.


This quest also keeps resetting itself on my main, so I’ll come back to the main area and see a quest and go “Oh yeah” just to find out that it’s just this one re-appearing for some reason.