Hi there
So i’ve been farming el goblinos on EU since they started to spawn. From the moment i wake up til i collapse, i farm those little gremlins in hope for the charger.
They spawn every 30 minutes. Let’s be real, that 30 is like 25 or less because, you spend 3-5 minutes to kill one, depending on the shard you are currently on. If its crowded, you are f’d. Game freezes, fps is around 5 and you are lucky to cast a single spell. Before it spawns, you want to get there in time, in case loading screens take too long; You probably wanted to do something else, but you’ve gotta hearth back to Valdrakken, take the teleport to Orgrimmar/Stormwind and boom, 2 unreliable loading screens. ±3 minutes. It’s safe to say you have 20 minutes to spend between 2 goblins, which is kinda yikes.
^ This above is one, if not the most annoying design i’ve ever seen. I cant do a single m+ run if i have to make the group myself. I got yelled at in timewalking and random normal dragonflight dungeon because it took too long to finish a (on average) 10 minutes long activity, so gotta tp out, kill the goblin then get kicked from the group because i’m “griefing” them eventho i announced it at the beginning of the dungeon. It’s not my fault if that certain individual cant read or not willing to put this minimal effort into something that would normally require chat interaction.
I’ve read tons of threads about the dropchance of the mount/bag/toy/my mother etc. And i have to agree with those who complain. Story time: Anniversay event brought Doomwalker back. Doomwalker had a chance to drop the Illidari Doomhawk mount. By the community it was deemed unaccaptable that a limited time event has a low dropchance mount reward. (We didn’t know if it would ever come back) The dropchance got DRASTICALLY increased because people kept whining about it.
Tyrael’s Charger mount was a limited product for the annual pass back in the days. It got put into the in-game shop and now it’s removed. I understand and respect that decision. Now it is in the game and the limited event goblins can drop it with a higher chance* on your first kill every day and greatly reduced chance on later kills. Some people would call it FOMO, some would call it RARE item. It is definitely, 100% FOMO. Apart from Atiesh and very rare old Vanilla items (ie Thistle Tea recipe and ugly a$$ green weapons that nobody cares about, Corrupted Ashringer(? idk if its on the menu or not)) everything can be aquired from the Black Market. Tier 3, old ZG mounts etc. This one cannot be. If you dont get it, it is gone, probably forever. This even was supposed to be a marketing campaign for Diablo 4. A marketing campaign is supposed to promote something, to heighten the interest for the promoted product but had quite the opposite effect on me and probably other people as well.
This event has been a disaster for a lot of servers so far. FPS drops to close to 0; Server stops working, 10 seconds delay between two casts (You are happy you can land a single spell so you can tag it); Zaralek Cavern is a dead zone now because literally no one wants to do anything in that ominous 20 minutes between two goblins (Also the hotfix for the rares might’ve had an impact on this but the goblins definitely reduced the number of the people down there) TARGET DUMMIES EVERYWHERE AND IT MAKES EVERYTHING WORSE, also random 40man raid groups that pop lust before the goblin would have any chance to appear and due to the lag, sometimes it gets literally oneshot before it could scale up properly.
Feels like they’ve just pressed the button that started the event and never looked back. Except one time when they fixed the Valdrakken multi-portal stuff in the beginning. (Thanks dude… great move.)
I’m not saying that i deserve better, or they have to give me this mount or anything like that. I just want to see some improvement. We have an event that lasts for 2-3 weeks; Droprates are garbage; if you sleep, you miss out on the chance; Servers are dying; Content is dying due to other stupid decisions and this event (30 minutes windows 24/7); People are griefing others for no apparent reason (Fel-stained floor; Turnips, target dummies; literally ANYTHING that worsen your sight). Anxiety and agression inducing event that rewards you with an almost burning pc, weakend nerves and willingness to actually say some mad trash in say or just try to be funny and get silenced for 7 days.
Please do something about this. Thanks <3