Greater Pyro to get 15 sec CD in Shadowlands

Personally i love it. The FoTM Mages will reroll to something else.


I honestly doubt mages will be dead in the water, I understand the concern perfectly well and do agree that for now it really does seem like an over nerf. But talk like this happens almost every single expansion, and almost every single expansions are one of the top specs in pvp.

All I saw was that DH’s can get another stun via Covenant abilities, that teleports ignoring LOS. Like WTF? Did I read that right?

Night Fae: The Hunt: Charge to an enemy, inflicting (250% of Attack power) Nature damage and rooting them in place for 3 sec . The target is marked for 1 min , increasing your Fury from Demon’s Bite and Shear against them by 50% . You may reactivate The Hunt every 30 seconds to teleport behind the marked target and ignoring line of sight.
50 yd range, 1 sec cast, 3 min cooldown.

Take the datamined values on alpha with a grain of salt…


Now in the next build if they can just remove it from the game thanks.

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It’s still a super deadly spell that would require a kick. If you watch arenas they barely ever go for two back to back. All they need to do is get one off and then spam their instants.

That or bait the kick with it so they get free sheep’s. The spell will still be insanely good and 15s is nothing.


Then their instants should be toned down as that means 65% is done with instants. I think 10 seconds would be fair tbh.


says the guy who lost to me in 3s the other day

they’ll cast it more than 15secs apart though

Yup and that’s why it’s so busted. Being able to force kicks and do a go every 15s is still insanely good. Most classes have to do a go every 30s-2 minutes

Yeah they’re instants could use a looking at. As it stands though this is something that needed to happen.

15 seconds is over kill. Tone down instants, cap the cd at 10 seconds and good to go.


It’s been proven time and time again that gpy isn’t even what makes fire mages really good right now.

In tournies fmages only use it sometimes and theyre still really strong without it.

Frostmage is better in RMX and Arcane is better than fire in BG/RBG.

tldr: psa gpy isnt strong ur just bad

Was I running triple dps? Was it carrying my rdruid friend to challenger with a dh, for his c&s?

He can’t live without constant peeling and I had to keep telling him to stop leaving bear form when he is getting super focused.

That was his first time going into arena since cata.

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I wish I had an excuse like that to explain my level of play.


He didn’t do bad, for the fact we were doing dh ww rdruid. However he couldn’t a cyclone off or even live if just 1 dps chased him

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It’s too much . 5 sec CD is enough .

Lol ya me too. I did few skirmishes yesterday for fun then I realized why I don’t do Arena . I just suck . :joy:

Or… how about no CD? :thinking:

It already takes 4.5 seconds to get out 1 Gpie, which is pretty long in the context of a PvP fight (people constantly moving around, people stunning you, people interrupting you, etc).

How about just slightly increase the cast to 5 seconds or something? Anything is better than a 15 second cooldown :man_facepalming:

Just trying to salvage my level 37 Mage alt here, would prefer not to abandon him but looks like I may have to. No point in playing Mage without Gpie… it kinda “makes” the spec, so if you take it away you’ll hit like a wet noodle/have no damage.

15 second cooldown on Gpie will make Mages obsolete in bgs, I’m calling it now. Too excessive of a nerf imo.

Gpie is a crazy toxic spell . I mean we all do BG’s… D Mages using extended range to spam GPyro again and again in team fights . It was just ridiculous .


Ehhh, I’ve been hit by out-of-nowhere Gpies in teamfights plenty of times. I say let people have their fun imo

Big damage / big numbers = fun

I’ve seen several posts in the arena forums that showcase a fire mage build not using gpie. Gpie with a cd will just lower the skill floor on fire mages and that’s a good thing. You gotta admit it’s not very good design a class can just stand in the back and cast one spell over and over.