More than a few seconds. 4 second cast time to begin with on top of traveling time on top of waiting for interrupt/cc to wear off. You’re looking at 10+ seconds? Plenty of time for your healer to do what they need to do or whoever was the focus to outrange the mage.
Where are you getting travel time from? Maybe it’s 10 seconds if you don’t have to worry about any battleground objectives. If the mage is properly placed, moving around risks losing the objective, and the mage can just recast in place.
Dont forget ray of hope then boom a wasted gpb
It’s clearly a band-aid solution to other issues with mage damage. I’d rather they resolved the issues than implement something so glaringly obnoxious.
Yep, lots of tools available.
I think gpyro has its most noticeable effect when a large fight begins to sway in one direction, e.g., 8×8 becomes 8×6. The losing side is too busy trying to survive to notice the mage winding up that huge ball of fire.
No team takes 3 fire mages in rated. This has literally not happened once this season in my experience and I’m significantly higher rated than you.
Right cause of allllllll the issues BGs and OTHER classes have a mages 4 freaking second cast GPB is the problem.
GPB is fine, go complain about dpriest until the nerf then complain about classs X until they get nerfed, then come back and complain about the longest cast spell in the game, a spell easily interrupted, LOSed or out of distance.
I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love stopping GP with Fel Hunter interrupt into a fear, into fear, into fear, into mortal coil, into shadowfury, into another Fel Hunter interrupt, letting him get maybe one off, then into another fear, and a fear, and a fear.
I hope it aggravates the hell out of them. At which point the mage is so mad at me he targets me and I gladly accept the fate I’ve been dealt. Popping Netherward at the last second only to send his success story back at him as he cries.
The best part is that I sit around 50% haste all the way up to about 106% haste self buffed so fears go out so fast I can even throw them out after chaos bolting between. It’s just lovely.
Kek ok but i dont expect you to join yolos so you have no idea what my expirence has been all season either .Your rating means jack to me i could careless
Rich comming from a dh but ok .
Leave the mages alone. The bg is fine with 4 or less. When they have 5 or more watch out.
couldn’t* care less.
And I’ve played the gamut of the RBG bracket. I’ve never seen 3 mages.
Oh, and since my rating doesn’t matter, yours does. If you’re fighting triple mage teams at that low of rating it is evidence that triple mage is bad and not viable.
DH is my 3rd alt. My main since 2006-2007 has been a mage then disc and War. Still doesn’t invalidate what I’ve said about complaints from people that complain to complain. Asking for nerfs for one of the longest spell cast in the game. Any caster left unchecked will melt anyone. Trying to pinpoint the issues down to mages GPB is misguided.
There are a lot of issues with BGs, WPVP, RBGs and arenas but a mages GPB isn’t one of them.
Im not fighting them they were on my team and no i wasnt lead for any of those either . Alot of these yolo leaders demand for them ? Take that up with them ? Me i just do what i need to and heal /shrug .
It is an issue tho plain and simple defend it all you want but its becoming an issue .
YOU see it as an issue and that =/= an issue
A spell easily interrupted, LOSed or giving enough to just get far enough away is far from being a problem. If a fire mage is left unchecked then your team deserves that melting but that is more of an issue with your team and not the mages extremely slow casting spell
Nah its a problem .
Yeah, I agree. Not being able to counter Gpyro in an RBG is clearly a lack of skill issue. Mages are a non-issue in BGs.
For those people yes prob is lack of skill. In rated i dont vs very many its usually them on the teams i join . In randoms i see alot of them tho .
thats every cooldown his has, plus two other attacks,
plus sky fury and CoF
while his DPS faceroll their keyboard around the corner.
Why any KFC/Turbo team tunnels a lock over firemage is beyond me.
Bad team deserves to lose like that.