Greater pyro out of control

You know what happens when any three or four DPS land their biggest attack on a single target simultaneously??

This is worse than blaming premades for your losses.

I was in a 1900 team last night with a couple fire mages vs a 2.2k team on my hunter we lost by 1 point … Reeeeeeee no voice yolo it was :fire:

Oh I’m very aware of how fire mages can one shot lol my main is a mage, though I generally prefer frost I do play fire some too.

Of course the “one shot” from one mage isn’t all Gpyro, it is gpyro plus metoer>combust>fireblastx2>pyro>blast>pyro. All that lands at once and people melt.

I was talking about Gpyro specifically because that is what this thread is about.

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Okay, but Boomkins are more common than fire mages at the top ratings, and aff is just as common as fire mages.

Still doesnt change the fact that gyp is insane rn .


I have had maybe 2 of them get cast on me. They are the easiest spell to interrupt, or if you can’t use some defensive

Can’t wait till next patch when they give me a small nerf to spread damage but buff my single target.

They could always change it from %based to stat based and see higher numbers if they stack a certain stat.

I would rather fight another fire mage any day than a rogue (any spec even sub), feral druid, Havoc DH, Fury Warrior etc.

I’m not sure i’ve been hit with gpyro when i was aware there was a mage (rare) around. All i’m saying is that gpyro does 33% dmg over a 4 second cast + seconds of delivery time depending on range. Show me a dps that can’t do that with a average + player.

There are just sooooo many ways to negate (reflect/temporal shield/nether shield list goes on) or interrupt it, 4 seconds is like forever in a team fight.

orrrr out range it, step like 5 ft away from your current spot

Easier to say when you are trying to keep half the team alive plus yourself and low on mana . I can only fade los and shadowmend so much . Its not my fault ik my teams awareness but its ridiclous end of discussion . There is never just 2 tho theres always 3 to 4 in normal bgs when i solo q .

Frost i can handle ,arcane i can handle fire rn is not one of them . Im decently geared and still they melt my hp down by alott and fast . This also goes for wpvp aswell then just bgs in gen .

Exactly… bad teams let gpyro off. Get one person on that fire mage and they are never getting that cast off

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Thats if they ever pay attention lol reeeeeee some teams last night . It seems latley my epic bgs are going better then normal bgs eeek

Id rather fight all those tbh then a fire mage .

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That’s my point. It’s a long cast, easy to take action against it. Can’t speak for arena where it seems they are a much bigger issue.

Its kinda what made me lose intrest in arena super fast. Plus i dont even need arenas to cap anymore since rbgs are more enjoyable and give more i rather do those .

When i’m able to set up in arena yea i can 1-100 some classes. But what people don’t get is it’s not like the gates open then pow! You have to bait trinkets, positioning, etc. The Pow! only happens if the other stuff happens first.

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ur lucky then cuz evertime i soloq theres liek 8-9 fire mage and they allways r focuz me

That sounds scary :grimacing:

Shapeshifting is on the GCD so when againtva frost mage I’ll just be in GCD hell doing nothing, meanwhile he is doing damage. Just saying.