Greater pyro out of control

brilliant! i had no idea! :clap::clap::clap:

Thanks for pointing that out, I had no clue it only had a 20 yard range. Just staying away from shamans is kind of difficult, but at least I’ll know what they want to do when they close.

thank juga it was her tip but youre very welcome

Gpyro is trash no one even casts that junk anymore.

Doesn’t mean presence of mind pyroblast was a good thing?
or tier 6 warlocks putting up immolate->guldan skull incineration one shot was a good thing?
nerf it too.

People are getting one shot by greater pyro? :thinking:

Well it wasn’t so instead of getting completely one shot by an instant cast ability + trinket you get 35% hits for 4.5 second casts.

Besides gpyro is garbo no one even likes it anymore, i talked to all the mages and they agree.

then talent out of it :lying_face:

Don’t listen to this… these threads are funny and wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for gpyro

But it’s not broken. Just because a few say it is doesn’t mean it is.

It’s sucks as a healer because I’m focused on other things (though I look out to shear it on my sham) so getting hit by one or two can do a lot in the scheme of things.

On my warrior though? It’s a joke. I don’t think I’ve been hit by one, and if I do, I’ll just turn around and wreck the mage that did it. Between pummel and stormbolt (if not talented into spell reflect) a fire mage will get eaten before coming close to getting off a gpyro.

So it’s a team vs 1 scenario? Your teammates are going to let a mage sit back and cast while and do nothing? 1 person on that fire mage and he’ll never get a GPB off and if he did he’d be dead shortly after.
No way a mage get’s it off with any melee focusing him.
This is entirely a l2p issue

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I think it’s a bug. I keep trying to change it to something useful but it just keeps re appearing in my talent list. :thinking:

Greater fade > gpyro. :heart_eyes:

Greater heal = 2 gpyros lol

I vote we change the names to greatest fade and greatest heal since they trump greater pyro.


We can do this all day.

Greatest kick
Greatest spell reflect
greatest los
greatest feign death
greatest fear


Greatest CB > Greatest Pyro

Greater Pyro should be renamed to Leastest Pyropuff or something because it’s terrible.

Gpyro needs a stun component like lightning lasso. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you need a rogue or some other player to help set up gpyro kills.