Greater Pyro isn't great anymore

The longer a cast is, the harder it is to successfully juke. Any melee worth their salt will wait until that long of a cast is almost done to disrupt it and that just causes a couple seconds of the caster being trashed for free.

How can anyone even come close to this conclusion lol.

Going from the staple PvP caster to a 25y experiment and calling it a stable pick is goofy imo

They seem to have a good amount of a mobility, a perma 50% slow, strong consistent dmg

Also worth mentioning every 1.3 they can wall and freecast for 12.

To be fair iā€™ve been initially skeptical but 40 yards doesnt rly matter anyway with arena size, everyones mobility and how often your getting sat on.

Iā€™m sort of leaning on the side it will be the caster version of DH when its all done and said.

Iā€™ll bet on them being a nuisance thatā€™s hitting you like a truck , hard to shake off and always doing something tilting.

Calling disintegrate and azure strike a perma slow is like saying frostbolt is a perma slow. If thatā€™s what you meant then you arenā€™t wrong ig.

I like both evoker specs a lot but I wouldnā€™t disregard just being that more susceptible to swaps or being 5 yards away from every instant ranged cc

Like even just doing damage or healing is a huge adjustment because stuff going out of range or running at you is so much easier

Caster version of dh faceroll idk man, seems like theyā€™ll take more finesse and awareness than your traditional ranged


Theyā€™d just juke a faster cast like poly then gpy off it. Same type of thing destro locks will do with fear then jam 2 bolts down your throat with no way to stop it.

I guess weā€™ll have to see man when its out Iā€™m optimistic it will end get smoothed out and end up feeling good with 3 spellschools.

Iā€™m more curious to what comps will be good for them and how gameplay will be.

I think arcane/devastation/preservation will be super nasty at first glance

Alter time/Temporal shield
Chrono Loop/Timestopx2

Timelord Cleave or run it with disc priest who will have lifeswap too.

Godcomp 2.0

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Iā€™d agree with you if Gpy had a shorter cast time. That feels like a lot of work for one cast which isnt even as strong as one chaos bolt.

Yeah I am not talking specifically about gpy or the current strength of it. Just the mechanics really.

I have a feeling Mage will be fine next expansion maybe not the A tier it is currently after the 15th consecutive nerf. Back on top is on the horizon for our mage overlords.

Mage is stuck to pretty much FrostMage Lock and FireRMP (arcane isnā€™t too bad for RMP) solely right now. Doesnā€™t mean they are terrible by any means though.

I think theyā€™ll need someone with CC as they donā€™t have much themselves, and empowers/channels can be stopped easily and they seem more supporty what with needing to heal to amp living flame and mobility/CD seem to be their thing.

All speculation of course. And yea seems like you can do some quirky stuff with chrono loop, time stop, alter time, recall, reflection, time bend, fly with me, youā€™re coming with me

lmao, would play jus for the memes

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I think mages inability to enjoy the game without overwhelming burst damage, overtuned shields or a rogue to punch someone in the kidneys is a clear indicator the class is terrible and should have been reworked already.

They arenā€™t terrible to get rating on when they are strong, quite easy.
They are terrible to play and find enjoyment in things like wpvp/2s/3s/bgs/epic bgs/rbgs when they are mediocre or just A-tier.

Go play 2s/3s without a rogue or pick a fight with any other class in bg or wpvp setting. I donā€™t believe a class should be dependent on another class to find enjoyment in the game or depend on severely overpowered mechanics to match someone else. Both are lazy shortsighted dev problems.

I think this will largely be due to no strength of mage but the power level rogue/warlock will likely be playing at in S1 DF. Unless they happen to overtune fire to do 300% of someones healthbar in 1.5 seconds which goes back to my 1st point or neglect to nerf arcane

If evoker keeps its damage and arcane does. Comp would have a lot of tilting survivability and a nasty 100-0 with evoker burst and arcane surge.

you can do a crazy LOS box on someone with divide and conquer and icewall.

If you run it with a priest they bring lifeswap/pi/ dark arch too

Divide conquer deep breath/icewall PIā€™d dark arch totm(instant now) arcane surge and missile dump. 100-0 and ur like triple LOSā€™d on 3 sides lol and stunned from deep

priest can even mindgames when they pi mage and deep breath goes out.

Stop before they make it a major CD and instant cast

damn this is hot, at first I thought divide would provide collision, not sure if that was their intent or if its just a smokebomb.

Also got other small synergies like klepto and scouring flame and a long chain in oppresive roar sleep walk + sheep

yea could be disgust

Well idk how much the evoker can throw in on the go bc of how long deep animation is. So it would be like Mage DB throws Icewall, Evoker deeps across to make it a 3 point LOS and then you go for the all in 100-0 in stun with mindgames and stuff.

If fires worth its weight with combust dmg still relevant you can do the same combo with dark arch PIā€™d combust with meteor on the deep stun. 100% going to be 100-0 with mindgames thrown in if the dmg is there.

I still think Arcane/Fire will work best with it cus of the quick 100-0 time. Arcane surge alone evaporates ppl rn

Gonna be super fun to pull off consistently and will turn heads for sure like WHAT WAS THAT?!?!

even if they have trinket ur still stuck in a 3 wall box getting teeā€™d off on like HAAAALP

so u got the | | wall from divide and conquer and you just close the box with icewall like __ at end. do Db and icewall behind them and deep breath into it. Sealing the canyon up baby and turning it into a 3v1 shooting gallery

Whats cool is Evoker healer/dps + any mage spec can do this combination so it will be fun as heck and make for good 3v1s with any class/spec basically.

With an ele they can thundershock them back to the end of box if they try to run out or mage blastwave them back again too. WW can Trap them for whole duration with ROP at entrance

buff mages?

Can land on top of them after deep breath and tip the scales eternity surge or tip the scales fire breath into living flame spam, proc essence.burst into disintegrate spam maybe

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Evoker + mage sounds really good then.

You can do the same combo with frost mage.

DB+ Wall frost bomb/snowdrift/orb/comet and ice lance spam when you deep and combo then.

The snowdrift will AOE DR stun anyone trapped in triple wall LOS box and will trigger as deep ends. This actually sounds wild we otta test it out when DF drops.

Frost + evoker can probally do a super gross cleave kill on double melee that way or even single target


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It was so good until they nerfed it. Setting up 3 greaters with a poly and then a ring was awesome heh
