Great Vault only showing Raid

Great vault is only showing raid loot, none of my Dungeon, PvP or Delve choices are appearing. They are just blank spots with check marks. But just completely gone. Id like to loot something other then raid. Please look into this?

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Same problem except mine is showing raid and dungeons, just not anything from delves.


Same issue, bottom row is still called PVP, has green checks for completion, but no items in the slots.

Same here. I can see raid and dungeon loot, pvp is just check marks and no delves or other content. Please fix :slight_smile:

Did this already. Did not work. Hence why this post was made.

Disabling “Saved Instances” has had an amount of success for me. I’ve been able to get to my Great Vault but I’ve had to reload my UI once or twice on each character, even after disabling SI from the character selection screen. Obviously YMMV but definitely don’t just nuke your UI before turning off addons that access the Great Vault lol

Disable your addons.

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Just want to reiterate the steps here.

We’ve found that a UI reset solves the vast majority of issues like this one.

Astral Keys is what broke it for me. I disabled/reloaded and GV showed correct after that.

Can you comment on the issue that has been happening since at least last week where people are not getting their weekly quests/rewards reset. I am unable to earn coffer keys this week. This is the second or third week for some people.