Great Vault not tracking proper Delve completions

My friends and I just ran a bountiful delve level 8, and in the great vault rewards it is saying we only completed a 7. We verified that we did indeed finish a level 8 delve. But due to this we are not getting the proper reward for the great vault.

this happened to me last week, and the vault only offered me gear for a Level 7 Delve. Additionally this week, i completed a Level 8 delve and it’s telling me I have only earned a level 1, because i have done a world event. If these are going to be lumped in, shouldn’t they default to the delve levels as it is a higher level and more difficult achievement to complete? The way it is now, it’s either world content or a delve, if you do both, it screws up the delve reward significantly. As a completionist, I would expect I should be able to do both types of content without taking a degraded reward for it. perhaps it would be best to separate world and delves in the great vault, instead of together, because at present it seems that world content offers a significant penalty if you are also doing level 8 delves (in this case both were bountiful). In addition there is no good means category to report this sort of issue for a support ticket. not that I believe that would ever be fixed anyway, since Blizzard support is absolutely terrible and takes forever to address even the smallest issues…