Great Vault failing to award items for some characters

As the title indicates, last week I made the exhaustive effort of doing a Mists of Pandaria timewalking dungeon on every single one of my max level characters plus a few 60+ alts, 2 of which then hit max level. Of those 26 characters who were max level this week, 22 were able to go to the great vault and choose between an item or the tokens as normal. Hell, for the ones that only just hit 70, I was able to claim some backlog great vault credit for the past few Timewalking weeks. But for 4 of them, the Great Vault failed to grant credit. I’ve tried relogging many times so it’s not just a display bug, and I know for a fact that on each of these characters I successfully completed the Timewalking dungeon and looted the quest item from the final boss to turn in at the badge vendor. And yet? No items, not even a “Generating loot for X” message. The Great Vault, for all intents and purposes, behaves as if I did not do any activities the prior week. Again, I don’t think this is a display bug considering it worked fine for the other 22 and I’ve repeatedly checked again on the affected characters with no change. Considering it was the rewards for a single Timewalking/Heroic level dungeon it’s not the end of the world but it certainly does suck. In Game support hasn’t been able to help me so I’m making a report here.

If the character only did the Temple of the Jade Serpent, this could be why. Most people skip one of the bosses since you don’t need them to open the last boss door. Once Temple was turned into a Mythic Plus dungeon, it no longer counted for Tike Walking unless all four bosses were defeated. This is likely still “bugged” and why you didn’t get Vault credit.

I don’t think they’ve ever mentioned if this is a bug or an intentional change.

Ah. I mean, probably. And I remember thinking it was annoying that people always skipped a boss when I was on an alt that probably could have used a drop off the boss too. But that IS super frustrating if it’s the cause because it’s a case of literally getting screwed because someone else’s impatience.