Great Vault & Dungeon

Completed a Timewalking and did not receive credit in the great vault for it. It’s still showing 0/1.


Same for me.

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Me too.

If the Great Vault is closed for pre-season or whatever reason, then it shouldn’t be popping up and displaying objectives like this.


I have completed all 5 for the weekly and still no credit :frowning:

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Same for me - completed a dungeon and still showing 0/1 in Great Vault.

Same for me. I completed heroics and timewalking dungeons but no credit. Hopefully the maintenance today will address this.

Still not fixed after server maintenance.

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Same issue here

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Did 8 Timewalking Dungs, hope for nice Great Vault reward, checked on it and it shows 0 credit ;(

Maybe great vault not ready yet, as no credit for timewalking for me, and it seems many others, been looking for a post with some info to clarify, but all I find is my peeps who are unrewarded.


Anyone try doing a Heroic dungeon for credit? I did a Mythic 0 and it counted.

I did a heroic too and didn’t count. Mythic 0 already gave credit pre-10.2.

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Can add me to the list of those who did no get credit for doing Time Walking.


Now with weekly maintenance done still NO credit for 5 TW dungeons or 5 Heroics last week.

Confirmed. Completed 5 timewalking quests and 3 heroics last week and literally ZERO rewards from my vault this week. Not a great thing to happen into after just reactivating. Reminds me why I stopped playing a year ago…

For some reason heroics counts for my alts vault, but my main has the same bug.
They really need to fix this.

Same issue here. I completed the new LFR wing and two heroics and the only thing that’s showing up in the GV is the LFR run.

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Same issue here with random or specific heroics. Not getting credit for either

I had 3 heroics done then went and did lfr and it cleared the heroics column.


Same… did 3 heroic dungeons, and vault shows no credit.