Great Vault doesn't cater to spec?

I main a PvP Holy Paladin. I always open my vault in Holy spec. Today I received “Mana-Lined Slab Slicer” (ilvl 610 - Hero 1/6) under my first delve slot. It’s a Two-Handed Sword… Great, no problem I thought. Have an off-spec wep for ret. wrong. there is no Strength. who the heck is using a two-handed sword that only stats Int? My primary damage dealer as a Holy Paladin REQUIRES a shield. Do better blizzard cause my other two options are hot trash and can’t use the 6x tokens as you made it to where those can only slot gems for non-pvp gear.

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That is a piece of loot for a holy paladin. While often, holy paladin wants a shield, they are eligible for any intelligence-based one or two-handed axe, sword, mace, or a polearm, as well as any int/strength shield. Had you opened it with your loot spec as ret, you may have gotten a strength two-hander, or you may not have, but the great vault pulls from all delve loot pools while filtering for the items useable by your loot spec.

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Hey! That’s some nifty facts. You show me one Holy Paladin that uses an Intellect two-handed weapon for serious PvP’ing, Delves, M+, or Raiding and I will personally fly out to blizzard HQ and apologize to them.
Here’s a fun fact for you, you won’t find any because our main damage dealing ability (shield of righteousness) cannot be utilized with a two-hand. it’s not “while often, […]” it’s never.

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Anyone running Denounce doesn’t need a shield.

You’re not running holy in delves. Like… You run ret or prot.

You probably want to run a shield. I think shield of the righteous shouldn’t need one, but you probably do want a shield there. That said, this feedback isn’t something that will be of use here, there are neither GMs nor devs on this part of the forum. It’s something that’d be better suited to General Discussion, the Paladin class forum, or the in-game suggestions page.

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If you wish to provide feedback, you need to post it in General Discussion in this case, or via the in-game feedback tool

How ever, comments like this is not how you provide feedback…


Blizzard Devs aren’t mind readers. You need to be specific about what you mean by “do better”.

This has been a problem for a loooong time. Not the first time it has been brought up, won’t be the last. SotR needs to be fixed/changed/addressed somehow. That, or our itemization. Hopefully SotR.