Great vault dissappointment

Rename it to Lottery Box.

Who else dissapointed lately?


Totally. I expect upgrades, especially since I’ve been doing delves and time walking…alas, no. SSDD

I know right, I have all 626 except one piece and it just won’t drop, game is rigged. It should just always drop the one thing I need out of all 80+ items on my loot table.

ugh i mean everything is RNG in wow why not the vault

Thats cuz the game knows you need it and you wont get it until you replace it

Hate that I have to point out that I was mocking the OP. The whole 80+ items on a loot table means I don’t expect to get a 1/80+ drop. Nice if it happens but people hate the vault for no reason imo, the alternatives are no additional drops, or how it was in Legion/BFA of random piece/no selection (which to be honest I liked better because then there was no choice but ymmv).

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I know rng is rng, but I swear I always get the piece I want in the 3rd vault slot that I didn’t fully fill out, so I get it at ilevel 587 or whatever the world activity ilvl is.

When it’s only 1 specific trinket you’re looking for out of a dungeon, yeah, the odds aren’t great.

That being said, for a hero track sacbrood, you should be able to just chain-farm +7 Arakaras, which should be easier than heroic queen.

I wish they’d rename it to what it is. “Free prize”

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But it is a lottery box except there is no money in it :stuck_out_tongue:

What you thought it guaranteed chance to get the equip you want ??? :rofl:

Stay salty amigo !!!

I’ve been slacking and not doing delves lately, and have like 30 some keys. I need to get on that before the season ends. That said, I did have a couple in there this week, but it was only a new transmog, not a gear upgrade. Not stressing it myself, but I do sympathize with those hoping to get upgrades every week and not. :frowning: