Great Vault Bugged

As soon as maintenance ended and the Season started, I logged in and the PvP section of the Great Vault contains nothing but green check marks. I also have no World section listed. I don’t know if it’s just the UI or if my character is bugged, or what…


Same here I cant access any rewards from vault. The delves are all complete and one of the heroic ones. They all show completed but Nothing is letting me get my rewards frome the vault. logged off 4 times.

I did an 8 delve, still says I need to do an 8 to unlock next reward. :person_shrugging:

Issue seems to have mostly resolved itself for me. It doesn’t show my MOST recent delve completion, however, given how it updated after the daily reset I am assuming that it will correct itself tomorrow. Attaching screenshot to show the updated Great Vault UI

If Great Vault progress does not update after tomorrow’s daily reset, then I will update here.

Completed another delve and the UI has gone back to looking like the screenshot in my prior post. I got the on screen alert saying my Great Vault slot was upgraded, and when I went to the bank the UI for it had changed back.

It appears someone forgot to update the Great Vault UI for TWW.

Now I see green check marks in the PvP row, but these come from doing delves. PvP completions are expected to be tracked separately in TWW.

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When you are at the GV type /reload and you will be able to see the pvp slots after that