Great vault bugged for time walking

So, I just did timewalking and it doesn’t show that I have done any timewalking. It shows timewalking counts as heroic, but . . . nothing shows up at all. Is this a bug again?


I’ve noticed that it’s not counting every TW run I do either. I’ve done 3 so far for the weekly quest but the vault has only credited me for 2.

I am having the same issue. Completed 5 so far but only showing credit for 4.

Did the runs that didn’t count happen to be Temple of the Jade Serpent? Most runs skip half of the dungeon and I seem to recall when running Darkheart Thicket during Legion TW, there were issues with dungeon runs counting towards the vault when skipping Dresaron. I haven’t tested it myself this week, so I’m just speculating. I know there are other bugs that affect heroic dungeon vault completion, so may be more than one issue at play.


Yeah was just coming back here to say I think the runs that aren’t getting counted are the runs that people skip bosses on. Makes sense I guess. Still a tad annoying though.


That seems to be what happened. According to the vault, I only got credit for 3 out of the 5 dungeons I ran yesterday.

Same happened to my other character. Ran the temple twice and didnt get credit. People are skipping Lorewalker Stonestep boss after Wise Mari.

I have done 3 timewalking runs on 3 separate characters. A shrouded path through time quest is counting them as done but the vault is not registering them

IT happened AGAIN!!! on my paladin!!! 4 times!

this has happened on every single dungen :confused: no matter what you do for me.

It happened again :confused:

A couple of months ago I did timewalking for the vault on multiple level 70’s. The first run on any character did not count. It was as though the first one was intended to unlock your access on that character.

same issue here w/all my alts

You must kill ALL the bosses in the dungeon to get credit for the vault.

Only need to kill the LAST boss to get credit for the weekly.

In the temple of Jade serpent people are skipping the right side and just doing the water boss the middle boss and then the sha just to get credit for the weekly five dungeons.


However, most people WILL not. I’ve talked to them and then they’ve kicked me for the group. I’ve been in 20 of these and no one will do the final boss. So, they have to fix it. Because even in other dungens even after killing ALL the bosses I get no credit.

Just checked the weekly vault on one of mine and there’s no loot from the TW runs.

That’s the problem I am having right now. 4 of my characters did not get any vault progress despite me being quite certain I ran them through at least one dungeon during last weeks timewalking.

It might be like someone pointed out, temple of the jade serpent. Most people skip one of the bosses during the “heroic” version(ie tw). Myself included on my tanks. This would explain a lot.

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ToJS is problematic and does not count if the library boss is skipped, which is like 99% of the time ever since Blizzard changed the doors to allow access to courtyard after Mari dies.

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Its shocking that this was reported in FEB and its Nov and still doesnt work