If your Ui still shows a t1 delve in one slot you will get a 584 piece and not 616. This went one week with no answer, and no fix. I opened a ticket and it did not do anything or go anywhere.
Well, opened my vault and it’s 584 across the bottom row. Wonderful.
Well, experiencing this glitch right now. My first slot is saying 584 despite doing a T8 vault. Hope this gets any attention before the next reset.
EDIT: It seems doing a second T8 delve fixed it. Weird.
Same for me, ran 4 keys on each toon, got 584 twice…
Would be nice if this was acknowledged somehow.
I gave out wrong info. I got totally ripped off in my vault. This does affect the vault rewards.
I also got 584 pieces in all of my vaults, when I know I ran more than 8 tier 8 delves on several of my characters.
Tier piece I needed, of course, was the 584 piece.
Its frustrating since it feels like doing any of the world activities will totally screw up your vault, but its the easiest way to get keys on alts. Hopefully its fixed soon.
I’m shocked you all got GV rewards at all. I ran delves and got 0 GV rewards across the board. Don’t know what to do, if there’s no point.
I have this problem as well. My guild acted like I was crazy when I mentioned that my third vault reward was stuck at 584 no matter how many tier 8+ delves I had done. I am mainly posting so that hopefully Blizz will recognize that this is still a problem.
I ran eight tier eight bountiful delves and got one 584 item in slot one and nothing in slot two and three. Obviously, there is a bug in the system. I ran delves on two other characters, and their great vault reward options are correct.
Although I empathize with everyone else this happened to, It’s nice to know that I wasn’t going crazy. Hopefully, this get fixed soon.
This bug with great vault happened to my six alternate characters. Great vault (complete 8 delves section)
says " run a higher tier to increase this reward’s item level". I have completed the delve (I have Delver’s call
quest also completed to prove) but great vault does not give any credit. This nonsense bugs with rewards continue,
never ENDS. Dragonflight was the same: weekly quest was supposed to reward champion level gear,
instead it used to provide lvl 250 greens. I am sick and tired of these bugs with rewards.
Been having this issue as well. No vault credit for bountiful delves.
Same issue here, a few weeks back, no issues at all. Now on my main and 2 alts my third GV slot is staying at 584 no matter how many extra T8s i run… hopefully they’re addressing it in the patch tomorrow…
I’m having this happen in back to back weeks now. No matter how many T8s I run my 3rd slot is stuck at tier 1.
Same issue, been going on for some time, three weeks I think.
This expac is major buggy…
Issues. Ran multiple alts thru 4 bountiful delves (tier 7 or 8) expecting two vault slots for each. Strangely enough, a few of them only have a single vault slot with a 584 item. One had two vault slots with one 610 item and a 584 item. Another did have the two vault slots with two 610 items.
I still have more characters to get thru, just came here to see if others were having this issue.
So disappointing
I submitted a ticket with this issue.
I completed eight Tier 8 delves and all three slots in the Great Vault were showing as Tier 8.
I opened the vault and the items generated as: 616, 584, 584.
I didn’t realize what was going on and I took a 584 item.
When I opened the vault after selecting my item, it showed Tier 8 for all three slots.
That’s when I realized the bug.
It was a major pain running 8 delves only to end up with the incorrect item.
That sounds more like you had unclaimed older vault rewards in there. If you didn’t claim anything from last week (or older) they don’t go away. You just have to clear it out until you get caught up.
That row is to do world content not just delves so it’s very likely that someone can complete objectives and not realize because they didn’t do Delves for higher reward that week and didn’t think they earned any vault rewards.
Thank you for the reply. I have no other rewards to claim.
If that was an older reward, where is my reward from this week?
I should have 616 for every slot, but I did not get the item.
I thought the same thing, wondering if I was seeing an older unclaimed vault.
But I only just completed the eight Tier 8 delves yesterday and opened the vault afterwards looking for Tier 8 items.
It would be helpful to see a log of what I got from the vault over time to prove this.
The ones you do this week will be available this upcoming Tuesday after reset.
Edit: the vault is basically a week behind. You get rewarded for the content that you cleared the prior week.