Great here we go again…

Line the first time wasn’t enough. You took all that negative feedback and doubled down. And now I have to regrind it all. Again….

You don’t have to do anything, don’t play the game mode if you don’t like it.

Looking forward to seeing you out there :wink:


You want mogs and tenders, you have to do it

As far as I can tell, no new tenders. Same ones as last time.

And if someone decides they need the mogs bad enough to do a mode they don’t want to do, that’s on them.


You literally don’t, it will just be added to the tender store later anyways.

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I can actually buy only the pieces I want, without having to grind renown.

Huge improvement!


I have the whole set and mounts already and have barely played. Only won a couple games. Didn’t take much.

This time around was total ezmode.

Can’t believe people are still complaining. :upside_down_face:

I had 0 of the Pets/Mounts/Toys/Transmogs this morning, now I have all of them, it’s not a hard grind