Great Glorious Alliance SPOILER


That is rather interesting and makes me wonder which among the Alliance leaders from the Second War threw their lot in with the rebels that formed the Great Glorious Alliance. Other than Varian and potentially Lothar (I’m unclear if the boss fight against him predates the Alliance leaders being overthrown or not), we don’t know about the others.

It really makes me rather curious on what the Blood Horde book, assuming there is one, will reveal. Based on the text from the Gorehowl drop from the dungeon, Grom became Warchief but the exact circumstances on how that happened either from Thrall dying or something else hasn’t been established.


I wonder…

The books say “after the undead were stopped at Dalaran”, and Garithos was notably the military leader positioned at Dalaran in the MU or the whole blood elf plot…

So could this be an AU where Garithos is either a major hero, the leader of Lordaeron (by surviving this time), or both? The way this “Great Glorious Alliance” (I still can’t not laugh every time I read that name) book reads does sound a lot like how Garithos would talk.


One thing I want to point out is Blizzard found the defining characters of both factions and made its lack of it the basis for these two alternate Alliance/Horde.

For the Alliance, it has always been fighting for peace. It is its greatest goal. For the Horde, honor is its primary motivator.

This glorious Alliance clearly doesnt care about peace and the Blood Horde no longer cares about honor, hence its use of the plague.


This is interesting because there’s an amusing amount of moving parts that that book doesn’t really go over.

  • The Beginning matches the MU; the Horde invades and gets stopped during the Second War. They are still put in camps.
  • Thrall either never escaped Durnhold or perhaps never existed at all, because the Horde was still able to escape to Kalimdor and avoid the Scourge, but because they became a Blood Horde, which I think is led by Grom Hellscream, means they weren’t united to form the New Horde we know today.
  • The Scourge being stopped at all implies to me that Arthas was not made a death knight so the Scourge itself was weak enough to be stopped in the first place, stalling the Third War before it really had a chance to get bad.

night elf snowflakes in the comments coping. They hate that the universe doesn’t circle around them anymore.



Horde never cared about honor. That is just propaganda by Blizzard to make Thrall, Baine and Saurfang less bad when they are infact filthy traitors who deserve to be put to the blade.

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Reads like Afrasiabi and Golden Propaganda. We all know Blizzard hates the Horde but here it seems they now control all of Kalimdor. What could have been a better faction.

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Honestly, to me it read like the Alliance version of you wrote it. Especially that part about, “And so we rose, as we needed to, as was right. We overthrew the weak Alliance leaders, and chased the Horde across the sea’s.”

Like, if they replaced, “Alliance,” with, “Horde,” then… totally sounds like something you’d write. Kudo’s, my dude. I think some Dev has been reading your posts and made a parody.


I am right. The Alliance already has strong leaders so there is no need for replacements. But the Horde is full of traitors who sold us out to Stormwind and are best buds with Anduin and Jaina denying us vengeanace for Rastakhan.

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Anyways to get on topic again.

I don’t think it was Garithos. One of the GGA’s head honcho’s is a High Elf. I don’t think they’d be in the GGA if Garithos had any sort of position of prominence in it.

I do agree the writing does sound a bit like Garithos’, but I’m not sure he’s involved? Or heck, maybe in this timeline he never developed a prejudice against the elves, so it was never a problem.

Wonder what happened to the Night Elves though.


I will not stop until the Horde council is dead and the Alliance destroyed.

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Sad thing about this AU nonsense is that there doesn’t seem to be much appreciable difference between the Blood Horde and the one that matters up until now. The other one just isn’t being coin-flippy about its portrayal.


Honor was why Doomhammer ordered the Black Tooth Grin clan away from the Siege on the capital city and track down and kill Gul’dan. Kilrogg Deadeye outright told Doomhammer he agreed with his decision.

Though not all the orcs agreed with this decision. So while leaders like Doomhammer and Deadeye prized honor, others did not.

Im curious about that myself.


And it cost him the war. He was a fool. Honor made the Horde its own worst enemy.

Horde reached Kalimdor and killed them all. At least that is my hope.

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Might as well yell at brick wall. At least there’s the chance you’ll get somewhere.


Or it could be when Arthas assaulted Dalaran to get the book of Medivh. But maybe in this timeline, Ner’zhul didn’t attempt to corrupt Arthas and instead just attacked Dalaran early. Probably with Kel’thuzad leading them.

Yeah this is what I’m thinking. Most likely Ner’zhul failed to convince the Legion about the whole ‘corrupt Arthas’ scheme so was forced to attack Lordaeron directly. Instead of baiting the prince to Northrend to find Frostmourne. Which of course would lead to the Legions downfall at Hyjal.


What’s the point of this book?

Sounds like they were wiped out. I’m surprised that everybody is focusing on that part, yet nobody mentions that the forsaken never even get a chance to exist in that timeline. An eye for an eye, the undead were pruned early, so night elves were wiped.

It’s EK alliance vs Kalimdor horde.

What I’m noticing is… none of it makes sense.

We knew that if the dark portal never opened, the alliance would resort to infighting, then ultimately Azeroth fails. In this timeline, the horde still make it in… but the alliance still resorts to infighting, and somehow they are stronger because of it?

Not even mentioning the night elves full empire falling to the remnant of the horde that washed up on kalimdor.

They’ve made the GG alliance look cool, but the horde is just… made up of orcs and goblins? Even with chemical weapons, I don’t see them being an equal threat to the GGA. In fact, I feel like they should be getting stomped. The endless war doesn’t seem like a fitting theme between these two factions.

Fun scenarios to ponder over, regardless. They gave the alliance some fangs, but the blood horde is just a way less interesting version of the bfa horde.