Great Glorious Alliance eye patches

Ehhh… debatable. She probably could’ve done more damage to Azeroth with the Horde’s backing still.

Hard to say. I think a lot of Horde players got tired of the Sad Orc arc, certainly. As for his death invalidating his arc, I’m not so certain. His storyline seemed more that he’d lost faith that the Horde could ever be anything but evil, that it needed to be taken down. In the end, he died opening the Horde’s eyes, and with the knowledge that the future was in the hands of people like Zekhan and Anduin. His death had about as much meaning and significance as Grom’s did when you get down to it.

Except this time it seems to have stuck. -Keeps fingers crossed-


Considering that her next action was Icecrown, I don’t think her plan needed more damage (not to mention that Zovaal probably wouldn’t allow an Old God victory so the war would need to end at that point in the plot anyway).

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Would it have been after losing the Horde?

Or, as an alternate question, what could the Horde have done as a benefit for her assault on Icecrown?

She takes the Horde to Icecrown, the Alliance and Horde rebels are left fighting N’Zoth. Seems to me like the Horde could’ve still managed quite a bit of damage under her leadership.

Sure as hell worked for me, lol…

One way or another, it’s a miserable ending to feel like THIS TIME the game’s promising the horde’s new generation isn’t necessarily going to be villains… just that you chronologically can’t be part of that this time. Makes me wonder why I should even care if the plot follows through for once.


Especially since we all know which faction is likely to get the villain bat should blizz attempt another faction war story.

But, we will see. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that


I never accused Blizzard of writing good stories. They used to do pretty good, and when it comes to world building they’re still fairly solid. Other than that…

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And for increasingly silly and non sensical reasons.


I haven’t seen a single Horde character who had an amazing death. Doomhammer was stabbed from behind by a charge of knights. Grommash was burned to crisp when Mannoroth bursted. Saurfang was one shottet by Sylvanas. Garrosh was lightninged by Thrall because the green human was not able to beat him in fair combat. Zaela was a mere dungeon boss and Nazgrim is neutral. Rastakhan gasped for air after Bwonsamdi left him by choice. Vol’jin died from fel poisning from a random demon attack

Now compare these pathetic last moments with the Super Sayan Varian. All heroism is reserved for alliance characters only. As usual the Horde will never matter because Blizzard hates us.

She soloed the scourge on her own plus Bolvar. The Horde wasn’t needed for that. She would have taken Stormwind I think if the Horde was still under her command.

Fandral was never the nelf racial leader.
Tyrande was.


I’m pretty sure that Fandral was always under suspicion since Day 1. Even in Vanilla, people already pegged him as a potential future raid boss when he betrays Tyrande.


His antagonism towards Tyrande and his weird repeatable Morrowgrain quest in Vanilla was indeed always suspicious. Staghelm’s heel turn was not out of left field. He was introduced as kind of a shifty guy with an axe to grind.

As far as him being a leader, I’m sure he’d have liked the job. If I’m not mistaken he was flagged as a boss in Vanilla just like Archbishop Benedictus was. But that’s the extent of it.

I would certainly have preferred if he had stuck around as an opposition voice in Night Elf society but realistically that isn’t the kind of story being told in World of Warcraft.


I wasn’t home when I first read your post. There was a lot that was flat out wrong, but I didn’t really have the time to address each point.

I do now.

Nathanos was never the Horde’s Fandral.
Tyrande is to Sylvanas as Nathanos is to Malfurion.

Gallywix is not the racial leader. Gallywix was replaced by that other goblin. And he was like… literally an enslaver of goblins??? He’s always been a bad dude.

Is no longer a racial leader, nor is she a member of the Horde.

This is correct.
Unfortunately, we only discovered this due to twitter, though.

Benedictus was never important in wow. He did nothing unntil Cataclysm, where he went rogue.
Nathanos has been an active agent since vanilla.

Varian had an amazing one.
Saurfang got no sold for an entire fight and died.


This is like one of the very few times that an Alliance character didn’t get more pomp than a Horde one did. The game revolves around the Alliance wholesale. We know what Anduin thinks, because Wrathion comes to Stormwind to tell him something, but no one ever comes to Orgrimmar unless it’s to depose an evil Warchief.