lol na man it’s because horde want to farm kills that’s why the camp GY rather than take them and they wait 25-30 mins before ending a game. There’s sooooo many 1 sided games for horde where they just do what they want. Like I said i’m like 7-55 in AV. A majority of those games alliance doesn’t have a chance the game starts with 15-20 of them and then people afk or just dont try with no one even attempting to lead and small groups doing their own thing. Once in awhile people will actually play and it will become somewhat competitive where horde might have to worry a bit but in the end they still win. Only time horde get stomped is when a large alliance premade is in the game.
So yea unless horde are up against an alliance premade they could zerg and easily win the game but they choose not to to farm honor. As someone who doesn’t do premades (and have gone crazy in the process) I am happy if this post is true and you don’t get honor for fresh spawns. Although I will admit does seem like a weird policy for a BG.
I don’t know how any of your horde players could see this now though especially in AVs. Where the opposing faction will use all cooldowns and run you down with 5+ people just for like 50-100 honor. It’s crazy and you can’t tell me you know how it is unless you were one of the few horde on alliance dominated servers during phase 2. But it’s legit crazy. These people you can just sense the sweat coming off them. The amount of times I go and solo mess around horde base while my team gets wrecked just to have 5 people instantly recall at the sight of alliance actually caping something is amazing. Jokes on them though… I just stealth away and watch them run around wasting all that time they could have been farming honor with their nerdy horde friends. Then when they roll up on me and it’s actually a fair fight and I destroy them because they have no idea how to pvp without a zerg behind them because they never have had to. Felt so good last night just cutting through horde who dared challenge me without backup.
Most of the tweaks and changes I’ve seen have at least been “in the spirit of vanilla” or have to do with the new infrastructure, this is clearly not that and is kind of disappointing.
ok, thats an “ok” thing to do, and im not near as against that since it does affect sooooooo few ppl and doesnt really affect a strategy in the BG. Nor do i think that hurts pvp in a bg. but still, I think thats probably why you guys didnt put a lot of attention on that “fix”. Also, just curious did you get a lot of complaints about that to cause this being done, I actually did not hear of many ppl doing it myself. Seemed rare. but yea, this one doesnt deserver near the amount of hate if its just the starting caves.
Not only do horde start closer to alliance objectives, they have the absolute best mid-map choke for stopping a zerg. You’re claiming alliance has to “stumble” when in truth, that applies to both factions.
Blizz just told you that rather than ban all of you, they “fixed” it by removing honor gains from cave camping. Then you have the friggin nerve to come in here and complain about it?
Sheesh, you have absolutely no shame. Your parents should be so proud, lol. You’re right, Blizz should just ban you instead, for all of our sake.
But… but its the ALLIANCE that’s farming kills and slowing down the game despite using premades specifically to speed up the game. its never the poor, bullied, picked on, down trodden, innocent horde. A horde even posted a video of Alliance beating up some horde near their spawn and stated THAT was why Blizzard was implementing this change. Not because of anything the big, beautiful, innocent Horde ever did.
Oh and here’s your copy of History 2.0: Horde turtles were now started in response to Alliance premades, not the other way around. Straight from the Ogrimmar Ministry of Truth.
In Blizzard’s notes they said it was so excessive that if this were truly Vanilla then they would have taken action including banning accounts.
Just watch the video. It’s four hours of cave camping. People zoned in after their half-hour queue, into the spot of a person that just quit, then got repeatedly killed until they took the deserter debuff. This repeated for hours.
That’s not sportsmanship, or ganking, this was straight-up bad player behavior. And Blizzard agreed.
I’m not disagreeing that it’s in poor taste. The hotfix also doesn’t stop players from behaving in this way.
Blizzard will have to more clear with their rules, as far as I know they never suspend an account for griefing without first reaching out to the guilty players beforehand.
I agree 100%. Not capping the Gy and postponing the game simply due to their long Q time is something a little child would do. They’re throwing a temper tantrum because patience isn’t a virtue of theirs.
The game has been changed in a 100 ways to make it not Vanilla, your comment is rendered moot.
Yes, 100%, AV 1.12 does suck. They needed to put the real version of Vanilla AV in. The one where the Mines would leave rushers porting to the GY.
That’s because Alliance dont, if they are playing properly, stop and waste time on the mini bosses and towers. If they go all forward without stopping the Horde can reach van faster.
Yes, I have the nerve to complain that Blizzard is changing Classic when the entire point of Classic is World of Warcraft as it was.
I mean, if they want to ban someone for PvPing in a PvP battleground, I’d be happy to save myself the weeks of extra grinding I have left ahead of me.
I’d go play a game with a company that actually cares about their product. The only reason I play Classic is because it’s mostly free of all the terrible decision making that is rampant in Blizzard’s design team.
If you draw it on a map, the Horde path actually does look shorter due to the Horde starting caves location in Classic. In retail the cave is pushed way back.
(edit: Idk why it cropped the image so horribly, but if you click it you can see the full image)