Graves still obtainable?

I am recently getting into pet battles and was looking at picking up Graves. From what I can tell, this was a reward pet from getting to player level 20 in Heroes of the Storm from a while ago. I tried HoTS when it came out, and while I thought it was interesting, I am not really a fan of MOBAs so I stopped playing it. At the time, I stopped before level 20. It turns out they made a change later to count character levels so when I logged in recently it boosted me to player level 21. I got some rewards for that but not Graves.

So the question is, will I eventually get mailed the pet somehow? If not, is there any other way to obtain it or am I just out of luck?

I got mine 12/31/18, so not super recently, but still pretty long after they first released it (Patch 6.1.0 / 2015)

It should come up in your mail from Breanni

Thanks for the reply! I just logged in again and it looks like it was put straight into my collection. There was just a delay and I guess I was too impatient…


Grats on your Graves! :partying_face:

I think everyone here can empathize with that kind of impatience :wink:

that reminds me to keep grinding… I may eventually get graves… cant stand that game though lol

I am very happy to hear you can still get it. I had the same question.