Gratz to Asmongold over 400k viewers

Except the new show isn’t Lord of the Rings. It’s Second Age, based on the Silmarillion.

There are very few good guys in the Silmarillion.

That a good portion of it will be set in Numenor means it’s gonna be ‘shades of grey’.

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Except that it is. Adding black elves in buzzcuts and black beardless dwarven princesses aren’t the only things in that article that prove that Amazon has no intention of recreating Tolkien’s world, but their own modern recreation of it filled with unnecessary changes. The concerns of many fans are more than justified.

The photos that I’ve seen don’t look like LOTR at all. The elves look weird, the clothing looks way too modern, it looks way too clean and just resembles every other generic modern fantasy show. The trailer for the series releases today, which I hope eases my concerns.

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Like learn the difference between the words “then” and “than”? Please tell me it’s that

Reading this made me wince. The Silmarillion was 100% about good vs evil and transcendent love. It was about Morgoth and his corruption of Middle Earth and his downfall, it was about brave heroes slaying literal monsters and losing pieces of themselves, both literally and figuratively in the process. It was about those who forsook their heritage and became corrupted by Evil because of it.

Like, seriously, go read The Silmarillion. I swear, only the first 1/3rd of it reads like the Bible, the rest is amazing.

Elves murder Elves
Dwarves and Elves murder each other
Humans murder Elves
Elves murder Humans
Everyone murders Orcs
Balrogs murder everyone


End of the First Age the Sons of Feanor murder their saviors from Valinor to reclaim the Silmarils.

Good guys.

Yes, I pointed out the corruption of Morgoth part. Again, maybe read it instead of googling some stuff and letting other people tell you what it’s about. Heck, don’t even take me at my word for it.

I’ve read it several times since the 80’s. Get off your high horse.

You clearly haven’t, but ok. Carry on.

He also spoke about how the show doesn’t need the gratuitous sex or nudity Game of Thrones had

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This wording is suspect, because by saying “only,” you imply that those things are an issue. We’re done here.

Elves were described by Tolkien as pale and fair-skinned with beautiful hair (how you would even create a buzzcut in Middle-Earth, I have no clue). This is retconning an entire race. So yes, it is an issue. If you’re uncomfortable talking about it, then yes, we are done here.

There are numerous regions and cultures (like the Haradrim and Easterlings) that are composed of people of color. If Amazon truly cared about diversity and not only virtue signaling, they would focus on that. So before you start throwing the word “racist” around, casting people of color in LOTR is perfectly fine, it’s what they’re being cast AS is the problem.

It isn’t a show ruining issue, but it is an issue.

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I enjoy his WoW stuff, mainly because I play WoW so I can relate the things he says and does to what I know of the game.

I enjoyed watching him play Dark Souls, he’s funny when he is mad.

This Lost Arc stuff though I tried watching a few of his videos but since I have never played it, the content falls flat for me.

I think another thing I miss in his videos is Mconnell tormenting him, it was good fun to see those two go back and forth at each other.

I’ve never watched him. But I’ve read people quote him a lot. I’m not sure why his opinion as a player is worth more than mine or any of my friends who play.


For the same reason that Paris Hilton, or the Kardashians, are famous for being famous. And that people watch Jake Paul because people watch Jake Paul.

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That’s nice.

Poor nutrition can lead to chemical imbalances, and therefore cause depression. Of course, you are only able to see one cause, and that’s all it can be.

Asmongold is the Rush Limbaugh of WoW. Much like Rush, he’s widely regarded as an opinionated a-hole. And like Rush, you may not like him or watch him but his opinions still matter purely because of the sheer size and ferocity of his audience.

Only followers of his posts this stuff. The rest of the actual player base doesn’t care about him or his legion of simps.

Content creators, twitch, and tiktok. How could we be this blessed?