Not at all, I have a 60 UD Priest sitting in Org just in case this happened. Over the span of classic it was easy to level an opposite faction character so I could be flexible.
Lol no joke. If this problem was reversed I would literally boost and undead rogue at this very moment and transfer all items through the BB AH.
Here is my orc hunter, that I love btw. I had a blast playing her but the writing was on the wall, so there she sits.
The whole “re-roll” argument works for PVE, but since this is a PVP issue and TBC PVP snowballs more and more the further behind you get, it just seems really petty. Sure, let me start playing my 60 ally hunter, HOPEFULLY get it to 70 by Monday if I no-life it and sneak in 10 games so I can get my 300 welfare AP. Then spend that entire week trying to play more catch-up, because not only did I start late, but I didn’t abuse the pre-patch honor bug on that toon. So if I’m lucky and I spend all my free time from this moment on rerolling, I’ll be finally hitting a point where I can compete at a reasonable level gear-wise in 2-3 weeks of basically nonstop grinding. At which point anyone above 2k will most likely have 2-3 pieces, and I’ll have at best 900 arena points and maybe half a set of blue pvp gear.
You could have already been 70. The more time you spend wringing your hands over something that’s NOT going to change, the further behind you’ll be (if that’s even a thing).
There are TONS of people still leveling. Tons of players in lfg for SM, BRD and other lower level dungeons. I was grouped with a guy yesterday in SV that said he’d rerolled from Horde and thought it was the best decision he’d made.
TBC is going to be out for two years. We’re not even a month in ffs. Your attitude is the only thing holding you back.
Remember, this conversation is about PVP. What if I don’t enjoy farming SM and BRD, but prefer to play for arenas? Sure. I can be clearing Karazhan in a couple weeks on an ally hunter, but we aren’t talking about PVE content. The issue is solely related to PVP. If I reroll, I will not be able to do what I enjoy most in the game for months. This is the problem when there’s time-gated snowballing. I can’t just put the time in and catch up, because the majority of people won’t even HAVE their full season 1 set by the time season 2 comes out.
Are you doing what you enjoy now? Appears not.
I mean… That’s kind of the point everyone is making here right? My options are farm honor for upwards of 400+ hours on my horde toon while slowly falling behind and doing what I can, or listen to all the “hurr just reroll” trolls and completely give up on it.
No it doesn’t wtf. Pvp is the only thing in tbc that actively catches you up literally every single season. Please stop making up such nonsensical reasons as to not reroll. Christ I legit think you guys are going to say you’ll get cancer if you reroll next just to make it seem like you are unable to change from horde.
You can swap whenever you want to, you choose not to. Pvp is the EASIEST avenue to catch up in.
Bro, even with all of that catch up you would still wind up ahead if you are insistent on not playing arenas without full honor gear.
The truth is that the time to prepare for arena was during pre patch.
The truth is the game is full of low effort retail tourists consuming content while they wait for 9.1 that did not put in any research but still somehow think they deserve equal footing to the people that were prepared and informed before the dark portal even opened.
You can get 200 resil without a single piece of honor gear, but nobody has made the fancy YouTube guide giving step by step hand holding instructions and streamers who are owning in arenas have full BG blues so that’s what good ol Jim McCuckens who plays 2 hours a night and 4 hours on weekends demands.
Half these people threatening to quit would quit a month from now anyway. They are tourists of a dated game with a different philosophy from the retail philosophy.
They will try their hardest to ruin the long term stability of Classic in the name of short term gains because they are short sighted and not invested in a real grind.
This is literally how we got retail, happening before our eyes.
The problem is that the reason pre-patch was the time to prepare for arena was because of a day long bug that allowed you to cap honor in 7 hours and blizzard did nothing about it. In regards to the 200 resil with no honor gear that involves actual garbage straight stam/resil level 62 items and Halaa items, which are as unattainable as the honor gear.
I guarantee you there are very few people that would have capped honor during pre-patch if the honor bug wasn’t a thing. The people that would have ground out the 75k honor without it would almost exclusively be 2400+ so that’s a nonfactor. Most people wouldn’t play against them anyway. Now as a horde player if you didn’t abuse that bug you’re playing double catchup. Not only are you 5 pieces behind, but to get the set it takes 30-35 hours per piece. While you grind those out, you fall more and more behind because you can’t push any reasonable rating. Basically, unless you’re fine playing with a huge handicap all season or you happened to log in on a random Tuesday in May, your only option is to quit for the rest of the phase.
Also, Rorshak’s entire argument is just “stop playing for 4 months and there’ll be catchup gear”. Thanks man, didn’t think about that one.
blame blizzard for hivemind mentality…cool. maybe one day you’ll be able to think for yourself. doubtful though.
“Gratz Blizz you’re responsible for the community’s collective decision to overpopulate one faction”
but it’s not an alliance problem. Because we knew that rolling horde would be just as you describe. /massivefacepalm
What a weird thing to act high n mighty about. Wrinkly brain CHAD Revolution KNEW this was coming while us horde betas went for racials
This thread is mind boggling.
did you not play classic? an orc peon could have seen this. pretty sad bro
Meta: Oh, my children. You must roll Horde on a PvP server
Meta Slaves: Yes, master, we will!
Meta Slaves: Wait… we’re getting ganked and not having fun
Meta Slaves: WAIT… it takes hours to join a BG!!
Meta Slaves: BLIZZARD! HELP!
Did you see the honor bug coming too? Because that’s the only reason the bg queue times really matter at the moment
I’m actually jealous of Jim McCuckens’ play time. I wish I had 2 hours per night to play.