Gratz Blizz You killed PvP

I love all the alliance trolls saying just re-roll when you know damn well if this were an alliance problem they would be in here asking for fixes.

its crazy. horde said that to alliance during classic when they were getting mass camped, then when you run to the a faction issue, you whine like little girls.



Yeah. I’m confused. If PvP is the ultimate endgame because PvE is too easy, then how is the ultimate satisfaction of PvP is griefing lower level toons who literally cannot fight back until they quit?

“other threads i linked to you” isnt a specific point. how am i supposed to know which exact point you are trying to make for your argument?

im on the FOR changes side, you are on the AGAINST changes side. why is it my job of the argument to do the work of the AGAINST side?

you made the claim that the proposed change would cause harm without backing up the argument. again im supposed to do your job for you ? :thinking:
its your job to back your argument. im making the claim that the change is good and said here is why i believe that. i didnt make the claim that it would cause harm. you did. and it took you like 8 replies to get a straight answer.

The entire point I was making had you actually read my posts as I stated many times “There are many people who feel this is harmful.” That was my point, YOU needed to listen to the arguments of other people who clearly believe it is harmful.

and then i asked why is it harmful?

and it took you quite a while to directly answer the question.

When my answer is “It is a compilation of arguments made by many” that was your answer. You only continue to act like this because you don’t care, that is the issue.

Yeah it’s been pretty toxic

thats such a non answer.

and AGAIN with the hint toward some character defect irl.

thats a big eyeroll

If only you could reroll and then have fast queues and join premades…

I love how smug you are when you are so clueless.

The best part is that this is a problem for both factions, but people are just focusing the discussion on horde v alliance. Even though ally queue times are a lot shorter, ally lose the majority of the BGs and arent generating much more honor per hour. I have a 70 ally and a 70 horde and im pushing about 300-600 hph as horde depending on winrate while only getting about 500-700 as ally. For a set of gear that’s over 220,000 honor, blue starter gear mind you not even bis gear, you’re still looking at 300+ hours for either faction.

Honor needs a serious permanent buff, not some braindead band-aid solution like merc mode that’ll create more and bigger problems down the road in other parts of the game.

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So what about when Alliance didn’t have access to Blackrock Mountain in p2? What did Blizzard do to fix that?

Id pay to faction change right now. I mean there are several ways to alleviate the issue. I understand there is only one Intern working on classic but come on.

Because it’s very clearly the ultimate show of skill

If you think Alliance have this much better, magical experience in BGs with our shorter queue times then I hate to disappoint, but we lose much more of our BGs than horde and are still facing a 300+ hour grind for the current honor PvP set :man_shrugging:

I sympathize with the queue times, cause I go through it on my horde char and it’s rough. It’s bad, but ultimately any faction specific change to try to reduce the queues isn’t going to solve much. It’s the honor being super slow that is the root of the problem, and that’s what has to be fixed.

Lol ur just an alliance troll who wilL be soo upset when blizzard sees the horde subs go down and they fix it. Just wait til after 9.1 it will be fixed 100%

Not my fault the alliance rejected undead. Only reason im on horde is cause im sick of playing the same races in MMORPGs. No way I choose a faction with just another human, midget and elf over orcs, literal zombies, bis dancers, and cows. Too bad tauren cant be pallys.

Blizzard will pay for their laziness and ineptitude with subscriber loss. That’s the main issue with not having any healthy competition in an addictive styled game, people will keep playing due to sunk cost fallacy and to continue on with their community of friends.

Now that we know the #nochanges thing was an abject failure overall, there is absolutely no reason that blizzard can’t add in positive changes to the game given the min max culture and population sizes of servers.

We already have triple the server size compared to the original game, layers, boosted chars, store mounts and things like buff savers. There’s no reason they can’t make BGs a more red vs blue instead of faction vs faction type deal. They could also add in an algorithm to match teams with 5+ grouped players against other teams and boost the honor you gain to incentivize cooperation and healthy competition instead of this 2hr horde que combined with premades stomping pugs in under 5mins.

Blizz didnt kill pvp, the community did.

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I’ve got a few friends on horde and they haven’t played wow since wod. They saw news it was coming out and made a character. It wasn’t until 70 when they tried to doing some BGs that they realized the problem.

Understand that the forums is NOT the average player. A lot of people do not research stuff like this, they login make a character and go at it.

They’re also not invested enough to reroll, they’ll just quit and that hurts the game as a whole

I’m alliance btw, have been since classic launch.