Its the Oracle (Holy / Disc) tree recently posted news up on wowhead.
Not only do you lose access to what is maybe the only spell other people like about Priests, not only will you have to continue to endure the devs constantly nerfing your stuff for arbitrarily being “too good” even though they are the ones choosing which dungeons go into a M+ pool each season, they are the ones who design which npc’s have what abilities, but no! Its always you who will suffer for it, not only will you still never get an interrupt, and you sure as heck won’t get Shining Force or Door of Shadows!
No, but what you will get is…drumrolll…some spell with an even shorter duration than PI with a worse effect but now its random too! As if real life doesn’t have enough RNG! As if we all aren’t suffering enough under the issue of power and choice being taken away from us in all facets of life! No! Its not enough disempowerment, now you can’t even control what buff you give to people! ENJOY IT PEOPLE! THIS IS THE FUTURE OF GAME DESIGN! THOSE PEOPLE ARE WAY SMARTER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE!!!
There’s no RNG beyond the starting point, the whole thing is deterministic. Read how it works.
I can, as you correctly surmise, indeed read words. And I did. Typically those tooltips are worded as “based on their role.” Which would imply a fixed application. However there is no such wording.
How clever of you to speak with such certainty despite neither you nor the tooltip being able to definitively explain how it works. But that’s good enough for me! Because you see, I am a modern man! Beaten into submission by greedy corporations! I’ll eat whatever slop they put on the table! Gleefully! Its all not as good as the stuff made in the 90s, which is now considered classic and endlessly remade! Mario RPG! Final Fantasy! Resident Evil! We can’t get enough of those things! But forget all that, its the modern era! Garbage in, garbage out, and we pay for it without asking questions!
It’s twisted fate’s W ability from league. You press the button, it cycles between 5 buffs, you press it again to pick the one you want, then you press it again to use it on someone. You have complete choice over which buff you get every single time.
They explained how it works in an interview, that may help a little bit. It’s certainly annoying, but its kind of like Seasons for Paladins.
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sounds a little bit like
the spell. i made a weakaura for that when i got one, to use it the way i wanted.
basically involved waiting for the buff icon i wanted. so not realy RNG, just a lot of dev time spent on putting a huge amount of BS between you and the spell you want to use. or if its like seasons, then a bang-up copypasta job.
I was really hoping that it would be activated somehow like fae guardians was. The cycling through thing seems rough, especially in a key when you are just zoom zoom zooming. Seems like overload when trying to heal at the same time? ![:woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:](
Really hoping they tune it to not be ridiculous. Because it look interesting-ish.
It’s difficult to take you seriously when you’re going out of your way to be patronizing.
I mean its not RNG rng, but it’s insanely ruff.
The capstone is silly, because only on pull everybody has CDs (bosses for M+, pull in raid).
After that even if it procs people might not have or use CDs.
PI is no good on its own. It’s good because you stack it on the person’s CDs.
Since there is no control it might as well not exist.
The cycling after press etc will be extremely annoying.
Further some specs deal a healthy mix of physical and magical dmg.
Therefore the buff is always bad on them.
Keystone fix:
Combine all 3 buffs into 1.
So the target gets 10% more dmg dealt and 25% more healing received and 10% more healing done (to level out disci an holy self benefit)
It’s probably the exact same power level as now. I don’t even know how you come up with this.
Capstone fix:
Every third (what ever number they deem balanced) PI infuses 3 additional targets (whole grp for M+ so everybodyis happy).
Otherwise this is a nightmare.
The rest of the tree is definitely workable an the idea is great. I like it (except the key and capstone)
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The only thing that evokes “seeing into the future to protect your allies” are the talent names.
All of the talents are a flat buff to existing abilities or affecting an ability that, quite honestly, could be applied to literally any healer spec in the game with a different title.
I genuinely thought that “Oracle” (someone who sees into the future) would be Holy/Shadow (given we just went through half of an expac about the old gods and horrific visions of a nightmarish future) and that “Archon” would be Holy/Disc (since “Archon” usually evokes the image of a divine/radiant being).
I was thinking it was more like Astrologian Cards from FFXIV where you press the button, get a random buff and just feed it to whoever benefits from it. To be perfectly honest with you, as long as its not with shadow i dont really care lol.
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the lack of awareness here is astounding!
cause buddy. just think about how i feel. you dont know me for one thing, but even if i spent time trying to explain that, it would just be a waste of time. we all know that. this is just words on a page. nothing i say is likely to convince anybody of anything. so i’m just being true to myself. and i feel pretty abused by california devs who seem way less talented than the ones who started this company. i’ve seen glimpses of creativity through every age of this game.
my everquest guildmaster has an npc named after him in vanilla wow. i got beta access to this game way back then, for being in what was considered a fairly hardcore EQ guild at the time. but all that is beside the point. your words imply that you think my words and phrasing come from absolutely nowhere at all.
man, you cannot even fathom how disappointed i am not just in this game, but how the entire damned industry has moved over the past 25 years. and the worst part - for all of you - is that i’m not a particularly extraordinary individual. i’ve seen the world go from a place that brought wonders, and happiness, to one that brings problems and disappointment.
people work at game companies now do not even seem to realy enjoy it, OR UNDERSTAND WHAT GETS PEOPLE EXCITED. you think i’m being patronizing? dude i am just acting back toward blizz, exactly how i feel i’ve been treated. GET A CLUE, YOU NEWBIE, the game is way older than your own extremely patronizing comment, as if you think blizz’s treatment of either its employees, or its customers, has earned it enough points for politeness that it hasn’t already cashed out by now, but man, i’ve seen this every expansion cycle.
there’s always some blindfolded boot licker
Super curious what guild you were part of! I used to play EQ a million years ago ![:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:](
I don’t have as much passion as you for a video game, but I miss EQ and the people I met there, some I still talk to.
I think you should talk to a therapist instead of dumping on the wow forums dude.
Folks, if you don’t like it, get on the feedback thread! Over 160 posts so far, none of them positive that I’ve seen. That is where they want feedback, so go there and cast Power Word: Angy!