Grats fellow Vulperans, number 1 AR and 8th most played race!

I dream for this day.


bahaha look at those diaper gnomes!

Wow, that was quick. I don’t play Alliance but I would’ve played Kul Tiran and Mechagnome if dungeons weren’t required. Wonder if that is why they are so low?

Reason I won’t do dungeons on Alliance side is because I always run into a-hole players in those groups and I just don’t have the patience. It is really hard to even play an Alliance toon not to mention actually playing with a race and faction I don’t like in order to unlock a race I do.

It’s more because they’re very, very ugly races.

Especially with trash gnomes, as they’re a race only like 3 people wanted, and one that most people seem to outright dislike.

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Furry, ugly, little rats. Enough already with the new races. Can you please fix the crap that this game is??? Azerite, visions, corruption gear, class balance are just a a few of the crap things I can see? Ion is a moron at best, and Activision compounds this

I mean…it was to be expected. Its a race the majority never wanted and 4 people asked for.

We are fox people thank you very much and yes the azerite system sucks. I have no problems with anything else you mentioned considering class balance is always an issue one way or another.

Neither do discount orcs

OH, is that why Realmpop is gone? That’s unfortunate.

it was something like 1.2 horde for 1 alliance before we came along…now its 1.6 horde to 1 alliance…they should be happy actually, if this keeps up they will have to cave in and give them what they want…high elves prolly.

That was my idea of balance at this point. Alliance just needs to literally give up and play Horde. They wont get any balance by simply asking for it. Once Horde becomes more one sided than it currently is that Alliance will see some proper treatment from blizzard.

Until then Fur the Horde

but the horde cities are ugly and/or poorly designed


The march to world domination goes on soon we Vulpera will be the leaders not only of the Horde but of all Azeroth no one can stop us now.

Fur the Horde :fox_face:

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Thanks for posting this, I thought Blizz broke /who from working automagically via addons so I had to go research how they were getting this data. The work around is ridiculous but I’ve been educated :smiley:

I want to see 1 month into the new expansion what the breakout is. I figured VE’s would be number 1 AR but Vulp’s might take it.

Of course this will still be the case:
|23| Kul Tiran
|24| Mechagnome

They’re way too far behind us to catch up…

Oh I know but I am just trying to help the Alliance. Just think at least they could be Vulpera then

These figures are flat our false.
Do not believe them.
They come from users with an add on.

Unless you think there are only 300 max level mechagnomes, rule this data out.


I think Vulpera is going to take it. Vulpera legit just came out and we got them beat, on top of that we have such meh racials compared to them and our numbers are still higher. If Vulpera get a buff soon then its all over.

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My main is a former blood elf, now changed to vulpera. I wonder how many belfs went vulpera