Grats fellow Vulperans, number 1 AR and 8th most played race!

Not entirely accurate.

The way this site works is based on user-submitted data from their census mod.

The mod uses the /who command to record the characters currently logged on, per faction, per server. So it doesn’t even count people (or alts) who haven’t logged on at the time the census was taken. Then the data have to be manually uploaded.

So the longer you have the census run, the better the pool of results.


Blizzard: Okay, we hear you. Sethrak for the Horde and actual sentient diapers for Alliance.


I have to say, I’m impressed with the trolls. Up until like Cataclysm they were absolute dead last in terms of popularity, by a long shot. Now they’re the fifth most played race. What a comeback!

Let’s see what the numbers say after the first month or two… FotM statistics do not interest me in the slightest.


Dont make me get my Arwing

God I hate the Vulpera so much.


What an embarrassment


I wonder if we will pass tauren , undead and troll and get into the top5? :smiley:

That pretty much says everything you need to know about horde bias.


Wow, we beat zandalari.

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I unlocked it last night, figured I should at least give it a try. I mean they’re cute (in terms of the characterization they gave them for the NPCs and such).

I couldn’t get into it though. Only lasted a few minutes. Ultimately, it’s just a runty little dog.


Damn…thats a lot of belf…

As with any statistical samples, it doesnt reach 100% accuracy, more like 97% or so depending on the sample size, which in this case, is around 8%,if my math is correct. Still, there’s no denying we’re the most popular AR and the 8th most played race. The difference in polling the entire pop would be 5% give or take.
Since the next most popular race (undead) is a good 10% ahead, we may or may not overcome them, but id give it at least 2 more weeks to check, unless our numbers increase exponentially from this point on.
Still, its crazy to think there’s 2 vulperas for every gnome given we’re an AR and havent been out for a month yet, and if you consider new chars created, its even more crazy. Out of every 10 chars made everyday we’re about 7.

-Party poppers-

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Furries get lost

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No, it wouldn’t be. And while Warcraft Realms shows 3135 Vulpera at 120, RealmPop recorded 73,600 Zandalari at 120 by mid-2019 - even before the Korrak leveling spree.


warcraft realms = sample. its about representation in the sample not total pop. You think once realpop picks us up we wont be ahead of them? lol im sure we will and by much.

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and its glorious~

Vulpera might even be number one if they weren’t locked behind the rep achievement. Mechagnomes are even less played than Kul’Tirans lol Blizzard just keeps crapping on Alliance.


Who could have possible seen this coming?