Grats alliance players!

If they’re all huddled at the GY then a couple times, moving further away should be enough to stealth.

go into stealth.
mages aoe/rogue fan of knives/priests holy fire/etc knocks you out of stealth.
you get death gripped/stunned/etc and killed.

do i really need to go step by step of how this works or can you try to think?
if your goal was to camp someone, someone who could stealth, what would you do?

ALL rp servers are shared now.

There is no rppvp there is only rp.

So maelstrom, swc, lightninghoof, etc, are all together.




As mentioned earlier rez as far as you can from the GY and behind cover when possible, they cant grip through LOS

no, but they can chase you down. they have 40 people, just waiting for people to come off cooldown and rez so they can pick you off again.

do you think they can’t find you?
its not like this is a one on one situation here.

I think you need to position yourself better so you don’t get camped lol

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Like I said, takes a couple resses. Don’t stop, just keep running. Eventually you will be far enough from the herd to do something.

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40 on 40 turns into 40 alliance vs more then 40 horde. you get killed. they proceed to snowball and kill otehrs. you go to rez, they kill you again and cherry pick people as they rez.

You’re a rogue. The only thing I know of that will stop you getting away with Evasion/Cloak/Vanish are bleeds.

Rez. Vanish. Evasion. Cloak. You’re free.


oh my god.

you got someone running away from you when your pvping. how do you get them back? you death grip.

At that point, open group finder and join any group and it will phase you. But that’s okay, just go turn warmode off.


tried that. they proceed to aoe all over the place because they got plenty of bodies to cover the area and you don’t get away.

Since you are somewhat helpless you should be able to die your way to an inn and turn off warmode.


and that’s what i said at the beginning. your options were to get corpse camped or LEAVE WARMODE.

you told me no one was forcing you to leave war mode. now your telling me to leave war mode.
which is it?

A population advantage in randoms = longer Q times
A skill advantage= not according to many ally posters here, it’s racials.

How did the average random horde player get benefit exactly because some far off guild in an instance is getting phat loot?


What AoEs are hitting you? Thrash? Primal Wrath?

can’t. they death grip you back to where you were to begin with.

racials lead to top players changing to horde. which gives horde a skill advantage.

Or you could listen to tips from others and try to up your game play instead?