Grass shouldn't move when you walk in WoW Classic

I’ve been watching Classic videos, and grass and plants are moving when players walk over them, which was something added in the last patch of Pandaria IIRC, so it shouldn’t happen in Classic

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The grass moves when stepped on!?!?!?! Outrageous. This is unacceptable and ill be cancelling my sub now.


That might be a graphic setting, kind of like how you can mess with the texture to get the original water instead of current water in classic. And actually, I think the classic water looks better in some cases, I like the crashing water look in places.

An odd thing to complain about.

There is still a Classic Forum, right? Where this should probably go?


Classic Discussion is over this way.

As for the topic, I really can’t remember if grass could move in vanilla, and I couldn’t play at max settings back then anyway.


Probably a good idea to move this to the classic forum. Does the grass move when setting the graphic setting to 3, which is classic mode? If so then yeah thats a bit of an issue, but I really dont think most people will notice it.

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Why not have grass that moves when you step though it in Classic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nobody here cares. Go to the Classic forum section and post your rant there.

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