Graphics card question

Seems like once a month I’m here with a question but you people always seem to help. My question is I have an Nvidia 1660ti which runs perfectly fine right now. Should I upgrade for SL and maybe get an RTX 2060 or better? Any input is greatly appreciated from this old computer illiterate fool. Thank you in advance for your responses.

Are you on a 1080p display

Yes, I am on a 1080.

Unless it’s also a 240hz display, you won’t really benefit from a GPU upgrade.

What is your CPU?

Nothing major…intel core i5-9400 2.90GHz

I’d just hold out tbh. Those two parts fit together pretty well.

You could upgrade your display. A 9400/1660ti could still do 1440p.

Ok, awesome! Thank you very much!

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My 1660ti delivers over 100FPS at level 10 at 1080p as long as 50 people aren’t spell spamming a rare icecrown boss. Even then it will only dip down to 56FPS for a few seconds.

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Yeah, Lily…I get over 100fps too even in AV classic which I mostly play right now. I just wasn’t certain if I should have upgraded or not but Sal made up my mind and you just added the coating to make me stay with what I got. Thank you both.


If you have a 60hz monitor no real need to run more fps then that. Would reduce some heat and power.

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The 1660ti at 1080p is great like the others have said. If you ever plan on getting a 1440p or higher resolution monitor then a beefier graphics card will be desirable. Just something to keep in mind the next time you go monitor shopping.

Don’t waste money on a 2000 series card because the 3000 series is close in pricing and performs better.

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