Graphic Settings Keep Resetting Since Update

Yea, this is bad, something is definitely wrong.

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same here graphic settings are super buggy. hope they fix that soon and don’t ignore the issue.

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Same, some graphics settings will stick, while others reset. In particular, environment detail and ground clutter sliders keep setting themselves to 8 or 9 after being set to 10. Ray-Traced shadows has disabled itself once, but that seems to have stopped.

Also, background fps, if left unchecked, will instead limit background fps to around 20fps. I have to check it and slide it up above my refresh rate to get it to behave as I want.

wouldn’t be surprised. this classic team doesn’t know how to address bugs

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Also seeing this same issue without resolution.

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and its happening to me keeps default back to 7 for all my settings. i didn’t spend money on a 3080ti and a 5900x to be set to default settings.

Still suffering from this problem.

Very annoying.

Hope it gets fixed soon.

Are there any alternatives that do work meanwhile?

A little bit down the page will help you with your gpu settings in the gpu app you have. Nvidia or amd

I can’t believe we haven’t gotten a hotfix for this, yikes…


Having same issue. Please fix !!!

Also having the same issue, my graphics draw distance keeps reducing by 1 everytime i start the game. From 10 - 7

dint work for me either

I am having the same issue, nothign works. Tried reinstalling the game, everything. It’'s on Blizzard’s end after the recent patch. Please help!

Exact same, one of many graphical issues at the moment!

Same thing happening to me too. Everytime I open the settings, the environment detail and ground clutter sliders decrease by exactly 1 each. One hell of a weird bug, that’s for sure. You ok, Classic dev team? They still feeding you guys at HQ?


yea its really weird same thing here. ive tried everything to fix it.

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Same problem here :confused:

Yep, same thing. Also I can’t enter Org or TB without being disconnected - getting error code WOW51900323 since update

NOT FIXED… Now we cant change the grpahics settings at all. you cant cahnge anything in the settings, like Vsync or ray traced shadows. its all locked

Just reinstalled the game to see if it would help and it says “Burning Crusade Classic” during installation. It also creates a WoW Burning Crusade Classic icon on desktop.

Something is really amiss.