Grandpop's Elite Update

Forum fam,

I come to you in good spirits. The Elite goal has been successfully achieved. After coming to the realization that I’m horrendous at RSS, I want back to my roots, 2v2. This is where my senior citizen brain can flourish. I took a double dose of Prevagen and went to town. After a sea of DH’s that used gamer words against me, feral druids that decided to leave the Goldshire Inn on Moonguard, rogues that have weekend jail sentences and one particular angry Prevoker that spammed rofl at me all the time, I finally did it.

My wife finally left the arm warrior’s condo and came back with the kids. Bramot no longer calls me James and said he’s proud of me. My family is whole again.

Did I enjoy myself? Short answer, no. I’m terrible and I suck at this game. But now when I go to work tomorrow and I missed all of deadlines over the last month, when they say to me, “Jim, we need to talk about your recent work performance”, my response will be, “That’s Grandpopjim, the Elite Hunter to you”. I will remember this moment when I’m promptly fired, and then my wife leaves me again with the kids, and Bramot calls me a “simp”. I will still be a S3 DF Elite Hunter for 48 more hours with a decent mog and cool sword.

So, was it all worth it?


Thanks for all of the support,



3 cheers for jimbo


Congrats man


Grats man. After peaking at 2380ish and tanking 80+ points I threw in the towel. Getting run down game after game by dh’s who tunnel through every defensive in the game or roflstomped by r1’s who make a career of this game I decided I want no part of this any more lol. Glad you were able to make it though.


Your memes gave me strength in my time of need!

Thank you, amigo!

It definitely is brutal. I was hoping we’d both make the finish line. I won’t be doing the grind again. I prefer to login casually for fun. I’m not naturally adept like many players. Playing against Dno and Mag is like I’m playing checkers and they’re playing 3D Chess in a different dimension, just insane players up that way.

absolutely stunning


It’s not the purple hat, but it will do for now…

Hah! Gratz and gratz and gratz!

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Congrats jim!

May I offer you an egg in these trying times?

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Thank you, sir!

Uh, obviously. You never know when you’re going to be poisoned by your constituents.


Big congrats fam you earned it.


Thanks for the moral support, brother!


Grats Jim.

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Gratz, That’s awesome. Always knew you would get it.

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I had faith. Congrats Grandpop.

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Grats man!

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You did it! Huge congrats. Enjoy your mogs.

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Huge buddy, congrats!

Pushing through the misery in 2s is quite admirable. Glad you got your goodies, I’ll try and emulate your success in the future.


Big grats Grandpo. Well deserved – hard work always pays off. Age is just a number.
I hope everyone gets their goals, and I look forward to hopefully getting any queue to pop in season 4 :smiley:

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Thanks fam! Everyone’s faith in me was definitely a motivator.

It’s a Duelist life for me. I don’t foresee myself pushing again in the distant future.