Grand Marshal/High Warlord Armor Mogs Are Still Restricted in 11.05

This seems inconsistent. Regardless of of class, we can collect ALL the Grand Marshal/High Warlord weapon mogs, but not the armor sets, even though the patch says we should be able to. Please address this so that we can unlock the mogs for ALL the classes on a single character.

The most annoying part of this is that getting 1800 on a demon Hunter doesn’t allow you to use the leather set.

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Yea there’s some effort involved in reaching the rank, I see no reason they should keep that stuff unable to be collected by other classes. Players that main Death Knights, Monks, Demon Hunters, and now Evokers, who reach 1800 don’t get to unlock anything but weapons. It’s not fair to those players. At the very least allow everyone to unlock all the class armors the way the rest of the game now works.

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And another annoying point is that I got 1800 on a druid but can’t use the armor on a rogue even though the sets are identical.

I have the elite pvp leather set from BFa season one. I unlocked this on a Demon Hunter but I can use this elite leather set on all leather wearers - why is the BFa elite pvp set more accessible than the vanilla pvp sets?

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