Whenever i enter a battleground it starts a gradual lag , normally it will go from around 100ms then it will rise all the way till as high as 20000ms , ( would like to attach a screenshot to prove but couldn’t for forums ) in epic bgs my character can literally take my time to explore the other fraction base such as ashran without being killed . This gradual lag starts off slow and roughly about 10 mins in it becomes unplayable , you cannot cast anything , you cannot do anything other than running about , you cannot get killed as the opposite fraction dont seem to notice you .
now i did all the troubleshoot for connections issue, did winMTR and everything is perfectly fine , internet is stable and no packets loss , so what seems to be the issue here ?
Hey, Alphahunt! In the last few days, we’ve seen an increase in latency during the evenings for our SEA/Oceanic players. We’ve only received one WinMTR test so far, but it appears that once the connection route reaches the telia network, it might be throttling the connection. Could you refer to this thread and include a WinMTR test to compare?
even so it shouldn’t be to the point of unplayable literally , character will be stuck as if only one in the entire bg which defeats the purpose of joining anyway
Thanks for the details, Alphahunt! Checked the test on the other thread and it overall looks fine. It was ran for quite a while though which could skew the results. Even in BG/Instances, it shouldn’t be reaching to over 20000ms. Even if its hosted on the North America servers, it should range around 150ms.
Let’s try getting a better reading for the instance connection since it’s on a different server than the home servers. To find out where you’re connecting:
Get into an instance with oddly high latency.
Press Windows+R and type cmd into the box that pops up
Type (or copy/paste) this into the Command Prompt: netstat -an | find "3724"
Press enter.
Some data should pop up with “ESTABLISHED” connections on the right side. Write down everything on any line that says “ESTABLISHED”. It should just be 2-3 lines - if you have more which say “ESTABLISHED” you probably ran the command incorrectly and should try again.
Include the netstat IP, and try running a WInMTR test to this IP address. Run this test for 10-15 minutes, then Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:
WinMTR Here
If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for pastebin.com/123456)