GPUs and prices

Are they coming down yet? Imma need a upgrade and dont wanna sell a kidney to get it

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Nvidia: Prices were trickling down up until August hit
AMD: Prices started going back up in July.

GPU demand is still high, Ethereum has crossed $3900, and chip shortages will take up the majority of 2022.

Your best bet is still hoping to win one of those drops from a retailer (Best Buy, NewEgg Shuffle, etc.) or buy a pre-built custom system with a card already in it.


I’ve been wanting to get a new GPU for a year now and it just seems hopeless.

I got mine in June, so it took me 9 months of waiting, from a Best Buy drop. I won another for a friend of mine from the New Egg Shuffle a week later.

I was using this live feed when I was camping for it:

Though, you’re better off using their Discord notifs (link posted on their page) since it doesn’t have a delay, thus having a better chance of being ahead of the pack to the webpage. Since it’s a race thru the checkout, make sure you’re logged in to whatever site the drop happens in with all shipping and payment info stored and ready.

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That people have to do this is insane. Ingenious. But also insane.

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Nvidia is selling to GPU miners directly and tapering their 3060 flows to gamers. AMD is using their quota for CPUs. GPU prices to end consumers aren’t going down in the near immediate term and no company has any incentive to do so.

Nvidia is trying to make suppliers happier now that they know they’re in trouble for the future (hello apus) but games still get shorter end of the stick.

The only way you’re getting video cards at MSRP is if Bestbuy does drops.

MSRP (or cheaper) cards are available from bulk suppliers still.

IMHO your best bet for a cheap-ish GPU upgrade is probably through AMD Direct which last I checked (may have changed) has drops every Thursday and sells strictly at MSRP. In a discord I used to follow, people buying from AMD Direct had way more reports of success from real people than other shops. Just make sure you have PayPal logged in and ready to go in a second tab so you can get through checkout quickly.

Some people have trouble with AMD cards, but my 5700XT has been rock solid and from what I’ve read the drivers for the 6000 series cards are in a decent spot now in terms of stability.

I checked out eVGA’s sign-up thing where you get on a list to get a card and they give you 8 HOURS after recieving an e-mail from them to buy the card or you lose your spot in the queue. 8 HOURS? That’s such a short window.

Depending on which card someone wants, it’ll be a loooong queue according to the schedule of fulfilling orders posted on their forums:

I’ve been in the queue since Oct/2020 for the original 3080 and 3090 models and in June for the Ti variants, and I have yet to receive a stock notif :rofl: (I’m watching it out of humor since I already obtained a card from a retail drop).

Newegg has cards available, you’ll pay for them and the selection isn’t as good as it was but the cards are available. It seems their strategy to beat scalpers was to just charge the same as what the scalpers were but hey at least it’s from a legit source.